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Everything posted by gnipper

  1. Does he fly them properly or just have them knocking around? Some of them can fly 18 hours i think.
  2. It looked like it was licking condensation off to me, has the water been switched off or the bog seat down? A bomb would be the best option for that house.
  3. You could have had some birds there but you want them horrible hook beaked noisy buggers instead ? They'll enjoy eating your new shed.
  4. I bet hancocks closing has had an effect on the numbers.
  5. Unfortunately there are lads scraping about to catch/shoot the last couple on places.
  6. Cheers lads, if it ever stops raining I'll get it finished and get a picture of the finished thing on here.
  7. Thanks Gaz thats what I needed to know. How much gelcoat for a 7x3 ft area would you say?
  8. Have you got trickle vents in the windows? You can dry line cold walls with foam backed plasterboard which might help?
  9. Just had a text off a lad from work who's isolating because he caught covid off his cat, don't ask meow
  10. I just fixed our gable ends cold/damp problems with a nicely insulated double extension.
  11. I'll come and pick it up, what time are you back? Its ok for you with sons, daughters are a nightmare.
  12. We definitely do have a fertility problem, have you seen all these kids?
  13. I had to speak to her a couple of times which got me worried because of our fertility problem.
  14. Has that woman that lives there sorted her peas out yet? ?
  15. Sounds like the beardie twat I had.
  16. It doesn't look wired up right that mutt jigsaw, was he good with you and the others in the house?
  17. Its the same round here Darren its pointless having ferrets or a lurcher. The nets and locators are ok they can be put away in case of any miraculous bunny recoveries but its disheartening when you have stock who's purpose in life can't be filled.
  18. Its not just the ppe getting incinerated in these things though ?
  19. I'd of been straight out of there f**k that
  20. My brothers work is booming too, they make incinerators
  21. I'm in the middle of building a new ferret hutch at the minute and I'm going to fibreglass the floors inside and probably the roof too, is there any real need for the top coat or will it be ok without it? Cheers
  22. gnipper


    Should have left the young mutt there to finish them off, im sure she'd love chewing through the house to get them.
  23. I've never heard of any accidental hare catches either, I was thinking of maybe seeing if I can get them eating apples/carrots and making some bigger bunny cages out of 2 inch mesh and having a go.
  24. I did it after a night on the vodka in a house we had just moved into, same layout as the previous house except what was the bog was now the spare room. I came to cock in hand mid flow and had to just finish it off ?
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