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Everything posted by gnipper

  1. Definitely the most accurate description for the mental b*****d.
  2. There's loads of places doing stuff like that now, shouldn't be too hard to find one locally that helps folk breed their bullies etc that only cares what your cash looks like not the dog.
  3. gnipper

    65 today

    Happy birthday Stan
  4. I forgot to ask what all their names are?
  5. If you get one then hopefully its of sound temperament for you. The one I had was physically sound but mentally unstable.
  6. You've done the right thing mate.
  7. Looks like there's plenty of other interesting reviews on their channel too.
  8. Birds and plants were later than normal this year so the horrible stripey b*****ds are probably the same.
  9. 10 litres of water and a couple of bulbs of garlic?
  10. Jokes aside could you fill it with something else to take the smell away, ketchup is meant to take away skunk spray isn't it so there must be something cheap you could fill it with for a few days.
  11. Fill it up with jeyes that will take the washing powder taste away
  12. Once you have a few going out and trapping in its a piece of piss adding to the kit.
  13. Smaller bred russels are probably your best bet or lancashire heelers. Most farm bred russels will rat and behave themselves.
  14. Have you had any out yet Dido?
  15. When we had one a couple of years ago I was told by a couple of bee keepers I know that they will move in 3 days, they have enough food with them to survive and they will have scouts out looking for somewhere to move to. They were no problem while they were here but the bloody big cloud of bees when they arrived and left was a bit worrying especially when I was in the shed and I heard next door shouting their kids in because of all the wasps. I locked myself in at first but the little shits were landing next to my kennels so I legged it to rescue the mutts.
  16. Thats because every city is full of people breeding dodgy coloured things that can't breed naturally.
  17. Vasectomy shouldn't change the way it behaves at all, castration does. Castrated hobs would probably work better than entire or vasectomised hobs come spring time as their minds aren't on knocking boots.
  18. They help with the feeding but the daft buggers won't let each other go for a piss.
  19. What are they Sid? New York flights?
  20. Monkey is/was selling them at a decent price.
  21. Marshsider born and bred me. I bet it was like rural Ireland round here when my grandma was a little girl.
  22. Its like listening to Father Jack
  23. Versele laga cleaned wheat is only a couple of quid dearer.
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