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Everything posted by gnipper

  1. I breed 30 odd mules a year and end up annoyed with myself for doing it again while I'm sorting out the cd every day and waiting for them to colour up and sing. I might just lob them in an aviary and not colour them next year.
  2. I'm not a fan of the reds but can appreciate the quality of them mate. I've never shown a bird and don't think I'll start any time soon.
  3. As it seems you aren't getting an answer I'd suggest ringing Jeff Burrel and asking him. His number always used to be in the countryman weekly.
  4. He tells the missus her peas are scabby and then gets his red tea towel out and starts his bullfighter routine ?
  5. If you need it skimming and you can wait until I have a child free day off I'll do it for you mate.
  6. Have you seen the foam they stick boards on with now? I get lost on YouTube watching stuff like that. Try and keep my hand in with plastering too if I ever need something to fall back on.
  7. It was all tanking when I was a kid doing a bit of plastering.
  8. I wouldn't have much faith in it staying solid but they must know what they're on about the manufacturers.
  9. My knees are knocking by the time I'm 6ft up ?
  10. I've left the goldie cd on in there and so far doesn't seem to be any fireworks too close. Hopefully they'll be ok in the morning.
  11. I've bought myself one to have a play with after watching a few vids on YouTube, seem to give a nice finish on the last trowel from what I've seen but I've not used it yet. Got the babies bedroom to do when I get chance so I'll give it a whirl.
  12. Is it a damp membrane attached to the walls? Do you dry line over that?
  13. That a plaziflex on the bucket Greyman?
  14. That wallpaper is horrendous ?
  15. You get to go to all the fancy posh areas don't you
  16. Its not just limes we grow most varieties of trees.
  17. Mainly councils and bigger landscaping firms buy from us but we do sell to Joe blogs too.
  18. Yes, I'm not sure on the common name but they are Tilia euchlora, leggier and yellower than a normal lime.
  19. Here's some of the jumbo bonsai I specialise in ?
  20. https://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/235360-few-picture-of-2011-mules/?tab=comments#comment-2465038
  21. I think its called this year's mules by bunnys or Bill Hardy
  22. I've only shot them with my old hushpower 410, they take some shooting with that ?
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