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Everything posted by gnipper

  1. Few more jumped early today. Nearly done for the season now and then the fun of waiting for everything to bloody moult starts.
  2. Would there be a way of attaching pebbles over the thicker wires to hide them a bit?
  3. Thats a cracking pup the white legged un
  4. Is there much difference in temperament between beddies and whippets? The whippets I've seen have just acted like leggy terriers.
  5. Thats if he was daft enough to tell her how much it was
  6. Temperature can't change the colour during incubation, it can affect gender in some species though. I think a lot of crows with white wings can be due to stress or malnourishment in young crows and can moult out normal next season.
  7. If it was coccidiosis that did your birds it probably wasn't the cages, all birds carry it apparently but in times if stress like their first moult it can flare up.
  8. I bought some from mercasystems in Spain no problem last year but I don't know what it's like now. Do you know any gamekeepers that rear their own poults?
  9. Did you pressure cooker then air crisp? I did some from the butchers and they were lovely but some from morrisons done the same way were shite. I did a nice pork leg joint in it tonight. One of the best prezzies I've ever had this ninja. Pressure cooker beef stew tomorrow.
  10. Did you pressure cooker then air crisp? I did some from the butchers and they were lovely but some from morrisons done the same way were shite. I did a nice pork leg joint in it tonight. One of the best prezzies I've ever had this ninja. Pressure cooker beef stew tomorrow.
  11. What birds did you have going light on you? I treat young goldies from when they fledge until they've moulted with baycox once a month and they get through ok, greenies and siskins were the same when I had them.
  12. Go and get him if you want him the lads desperate to home him.
  13. There's a set in our village too, shame they don't still use them.
  14. Full chicken done again in ours again tonight, the oven only gets used for things that don't fit in it. Have you tried any of the one pot pasta dishes in the pressure cooker?
  15. Hi does anyone on here breed exhibition quality rouen ducks that would have any eggs available? Cheers
  16. Just think how many useful dogs like her there was back then before everything got bred for appearance. I think I've said it before on here but I bet some of them black and tan mongrels from when I was a kid that were latch key mutts would have bred some proper lurchers, streetwise mongrels that knew how to get a feed or a jump.
  17. Dusted off the trowels again today.
  18. Primitive technologies I think its called? Loz harrop knife making and loads of other stuff he makes. The mink man. I have a couple of plastering channels on there too as it's an interest of mine.
  19. Off menu podcast with Ed gamble and James Acaster is ok and numbs the boredom of work.
  20. The only advice I can give you mate as someone gave it me a few years back is don't spoil the goldies with too much good stuff like niger seed etc as they get lazy and just sit off eating it. Give them plenty of dandelions on the run up to breeding to get them in condition but mine get a good British finch mix (so do my canaries) and I use egg food mixed with soak seed and petit pois and give chunks of broccoli. Some just won't mule. I always get plenty of clear eggs early doors too so dont get disheartened. Good luck mate
  21. Don't the African type usually bury themselves in their substrate the same as the ceratophrys?
  22. Your foxes are gonna love the fresh food and entertainment your putting on for them ?
  23. A bloke I knew trained guards and he was saying similar but if a rotty grabs you your not running off with it attached to you unlike some of them little Mali types. The same bloke said the most dangerous dog he ever saw was a neo bitch that had been egged on to everyone that had passed the terrace house it lived on and it was after killing everybody.
  24. gnipper

    Monkey pox

    You'll have to stop letting purple aki touch your muscles too.
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