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Everything posted by gnipper

  1. They must have screenshot it off your grinder profile?
  2. I thought the retic was the longest but the anaconda was the heaviest?
  3. I got told years ago that ebt will turn on its owner at least once in its life, dunno how true it is but seems that you lads have encountered a few badduns. My mate has a young one there that has eaten through doors, couches, stairs etc and it's a nut job
  4. Are they head strong and stubborn or just braindead as the ones I've encountered have been thick as shit?
  5. Both sexes but cocks mainly.
  6. That bird was a feral cross and he caught me a lot of ferals.
  7. They are feral x thief pouters which I will use for catching other ferals with.
  8. I've bred a couple of feral crosses and I might breed a couple more off one of my other hens then I'm done for the year.
  9. A lad I knew had one years ago he used out on shoots and out on the Marsh aswell as ferreting and working to longnets too. I'm not sure what she was like on vermin but was definitely a useful dog.
  10. How many of the bodies were unidentified?
  11. I'm not exactly sure why we watched Marvellous on prime but I'm glad we did.
  12. I was sat having my dinner in the van at work once and a couple of stoats were chasing each other around and kept going along a fence so I knocked a quick tunnel up with a fenn in and sat back to see if they came back which they did and went straight through the tunnel and across the pan with the safety still on a couple of times. Knocked the safety off and had one before the end of bagging. Wasn't happy with the efficiency of it either tbh.
  13. It's a butty when it's on bread ( warburtons )
  14. I think they reckon bullies eating too much hemp can give them gapes too? I've only had 1 pair of bullies and got rid because they were a pain in the arse so not too experienced but I've seen a bit about them over the years.
  15. How do you weirdos order a chip barm if you don't call it a barm? It's breakfast dinner and tea too while we're at it
  16. https://pigeons.mercasystems.com/index.php/health-care/racing-pigeon-treatments/vias-respiratorias
  17. That's gape worms in pheasants, bullies get a respiratory problem.
  18. I had to wear a man city top to my dad's funeral and I hate football
  19. Keep hold of them they might be worth a bit soon.
  20. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent,personified in this case by an orrible cnut... WILF
  21. I always struggle with sizes, it's worse in the army surplus place sifting through all the jackets are all squaddies midgets or summat?
  22. I saw a young beddy whippet x spaniel bitch for sale recently which would have been ideal for you lads but I can't remember where it was. I think it might have been the link on mushrooms thread after a dog for his mum.
  23. It works but plain pork are better imo. I've never had a dog that would eat pheasant either and the ferrets can only eat so many.
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