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Everything posted by gnipper

  1. I'd like to do one here in the future but I think I'd go fibreglass instead of liner. There's paints for render too isn't there but it only needs one little crack in the render doesn't it.
  2. Do they strip the coat on these like a wire haired terrier? It could change with age?
  3. Check out vetagrostore on t'internet
  4. Quick half hour out with the air arms
  5. Pigeon pitta for breakfast.
  6. How big are the yew and how many?
  7. Been watching their new series and they were very close to here the past couple of weeks. Not many tv shows nowadays don't get on my tits and the hairy bikers seemed decent blokes. RIP Dave
  8. Looks like you can buy it bare root so I'd say you'd be pretty safe going and robbing some from next door this time of year.
  9. Tried him with a frozen one in the week and then he had a go on the real thing. Still mental but getting better and starting to work the cover too.
  10. Really sorry to hear about your Wife's passing Ray my condolences to you and your family
  11. gnipper


    I can understand wanting to keep and admire the birds but eggs? Why?
  12. They must have screenshot it off your grinder profile?
  13. I thought the retic was the longest but the anaconda was the heaviest?
  14. I got told years ago that ebt will turn on its owner at least once in its life, dunno how true it is but seems that you lads have encountered a few badduns. My mate has a young one there that has eaten through doors, couches, stairs etc and it's a nut job
  15. Are they head strong and stubborn or just braindead as the ones I've encountered have been thick as shit?
  16. Both sexes but cocks mainly.
  17. That bird was a feral cross and he caught me a lot of ferals.
  18. They are feral x thief pouters which I will use for catching other ferals with.
  19. I've bred a couple of feral crosses and I might breed a couple more off one of my other hens then I'm done for the year.
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