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Dranny GLC

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Everything posted by Dranny GLC

  1. My pups recall was already good when I first got him but I av kept up with it by givenin him lots of praise when he comes back and I give him food treats. He likes ham
  2. I'm really happy with him so far his recall is really good and his retreaving is coming on well still alot to do though. I don't want to rush him when I hear people saying there's are catching bolting rabbits at 6 months I can't see it with mine I won't let him do it until he 100% recall and retreaving.
  3. Pups is 5 months old whippet greyhound
  4. Not so much hunting up but marking and bushing from set to set or would you av it on lead till all nets are set and ferrets to ground. ?
  5. So if your just aving a daily walk about through fields do you let a puppy walk free or keep it on a lead or a bit of both.
  6. What about dogs hunting up during the day taking it into the field with the lamp. ?
  7. What do you do with the pup first ferreting or lamping I'm wanting to do both with him but I don't want one to spoil the other,
  8. How did you train her recall on lamp and was she full of old habits. ?
  9. No I don't hit him I just didn't run him again. It is embarrassing that he doesn't come back on a night because he does during the day. I av taken him out by himself but its just the same. Lamp on rabbit chase it if he gets it kills and drops it in field I go and get the dead rabbit then look for him and he's running down other end of field. I shout him to recall like I do everyday when out walking him but he continues running about,or he final comes back, but sits or stands about 10 yards away from me till I walk after him again and put him back on the slip.
  10. Yes I av got a good bond with him durin the day this recall is perfect but I can't get near him when lamping he just won't come back till he wants to. Till he has scared everything away. I might not av the understanding on how to use a ecollar but I really am losing my rag with him, this is his 3 season with me and should be getting to grips with what we do, there 4 off us that go out and none of my mates dogs do it. It's not like I can work his recall because he comes back everytime in the day and on a night where there's no rabbits. But once there's rabbits he off
  11. Iv tryed hot dogs, cheese, peperami, ham,cicken, when I'm out in day staight back once slipped in field he's not in trested in food. My thinking is with the collar is zap him when he hunting up and stop when he comes back hopefully he will realise that the pain stops once he starts to come back to me and ill give he loads of praise when he does come back. ?
  12. Iv had him 2 years he was 14 months old when I got him through a friends friend which he had no time with work cometments.i was wanting to get into the sport and didn't have no experiance to start with a pup, at first I was happy with him then as I progress in the sport I wanted him to but he seems to be getting worse with his recall.
  13. I got him [BANNED TEXT] he was 14 months old so he wasn't trained when I got him and he was my first lucher. I made a rabbit skin dummy ad throw it for him he ran after it then just started chewing it. Like I say in a field with no rabbits one call and he's back iv Evan had people complement me in our local dog walking park how good his recall is.
  14. He has retreaved a few times but not always he teneds to kill them then drop them in middle of the field then goes looking for another. Until he scared everything away
  15. No but ill try it don't think it will help though he does it in every field I slip him.
  16. He bang on during day, I only av to call him once and same on a night if there's no rabbits about but once I slip him on lamp he just hunts up and won't come back for about 5 min.
  17. My dog won't come back when lamping was thinking about getting a electric shock collar to zap him when he doesn't return until he realises it stops once he comes back any ideas if this would work or if anyone has used one for recall. ?
  18. Ye it was a nightmare last night aving to wait 5 mins till he had hunted up all the field, I got him when he was 14 months old and he did it then but seems to be getting worse, I thought I had it sussd, we would turn the car off and stand quiet and he would come back quicker thinking we ad left him but now that dosnt Evan work.
  19. My saluki bull grayhound won't come back when lamping, he getting worse but during the day he comes back first time. What can I do to teach him to come straight back when lamps off. Iv tryed treats he's not intrested at all. He 3 years old and getting worse taking longer to cum back to me.
  20. I'm after a new pair of good boots for this season. Wanting the best I can get for about £150, any ideas.
  21. I'm struggleing to get rid of flees iv used spot on twice and they still got them. Cleaned them out bleached the cages new beding and shavings and they still got them. ?
  22. Would the collar work on trainning a dog to be stock broke. My mates is 4 year old and isn't stock broke. ?
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