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Dranny GLC

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Everything posted by Dranny GLC

  1. Where ever it was he didn't want to be out ferreting he was a right fag.
  2. What about out ferreting in cold weather I had a whippet he just stud shivering wanting to go home. ?
  3. Pre ban would this cross been able to do a deer or a fox ?
  4. Iv got a a whippet x greyhound pup he 6 months and I'm happy with him so far his training is coming on well recall and retrieving sit and stay. Don't no much about this type of breed don't no anyone with one I bought him off a judge at a show after a few beers just hope he does the job and not too timid and shivery when out ferreting or cold nights lamping.
  5. Why you looking then. Its worth a try someone might av permission but no transport and don't have anyone to go out with.
  6. We are a rabbiting team from cleckheaton West Yorkshire. We can travel anywhere in the north of england. we are a team of 3 working lads. We have good lamps and good dogs all stock broke. We can do any Thursday night or Sunday mornings.
  7. Hi there we are a ferreting team from cleckheaton west Yorkshire there are 3 of us. ferrets, nets, locators small rabbiting dogs for bolters. We offer free rabbit control and can come any Sunday as it is our hobby no fees to be paid. We are all honest working lads that enjoy getting out in the fresh air on a weekend. Thanks.
  8. I don't want the pup hunting up but hidding it my encourage it to use it nose more than its sight but I will drop it in the field and put lamp on it but I think if I throw it and play fetch it will get to no its new toy and then once I start running live rabbits it will no to bring them straight back to me.
  9. I'm training my pups retrieving he 5 1/2 months old and he is growing out of his rabbit skin dummy I made a small one so it was easy for him to carry. Iv got a dead rabbit in freezer and was wondering if anyone uses them for retrieving by just throwing it 20 yards so the pup can get to grips with the size and weight. It's no a big rabbit so it should be ok to carry it.
  10. E collar is amazing just been out lamping and used it. It worked brilliant only had to shock him twice then just use the warning vibration as soon as he had missed a rabbit and then he would come straight back no messing about hunting up in dark. Evan got a rabbit to finish our night. Really happy with him just need to sort his retrieve out next.
  11. I also think I have made things worse buy when he has been hunting up in the dark and I can't see him iv put my beam on to look for him shouting him but if he has nocked up a rabbit I have lamped the chase so maybe he trying to hunt up so I lamp them for him?
  12. We go out every Thursday night and he always catches between 5 and 1 but still kills it and goes off unless I can get to him and get him back on lead before he gets chance to go again.
  13. The dog has cough about 100 rabbits and he mainly kills it in the field and drops it. And runs off for another. I was new to the sport when I got him at 14 months old and hen I went out local I thought that was what it was all about the catch and new I av progressed and got more experiance and been out with other lads I now no there a lot more to the sport
  14. This is why I avent, im scared of making him worse but Im really lost for ideas I can't get near him his recall is perfect when there no rabbits about but how do you get it through to him I'm not happy about waiting about in a field for 5 mins while he scares all are sport away and comes back when he feels like it and then I give him some bacon as a reward for returning and taking the piss. ???
  15. Iv a 5 month pup and a 3 year old saluki bull x that I got when he was 14 months old its him that hunting up. The pups recall is 100%
  16. My mate does the same if his dog plays up gives it a wack and then it comes back staight away I'm just scared of making it worse but I'm starting to think they can't get much worse, gonna give it another go tonight with the bacon rewards and try give him a bollocking if he doesn't
  17. Cheers pal that sounds like some really good advice, I didn't want to start carrying on with him when he doesn't return straight away as people say it will make it worse but I thought If i did give him a bollocking and make it clear I'm not happy with his recall he might think twice about hunting up next time,but if I do bollock him will he no it's because he took to long to come back or will he think it because he missed a rabbit or that he got a rabbit?
  18. Dog just done it again, got a pocket full ov bacon walked on to football field let him off the lead he had a walk about and was coming staight back as soon as I called him, went into another field same again straight back to me ad some more bacon, then I got him on slip as I no there rabbits in next field, there were about 6 rabbits in field I picked one out put my lamp on it and slipped him he ad a good run turned him about 5 times and just got away in to the hedge. I switched my lamp off and called him back. He didn't come back for about 5 minutes I was calling him and putting lamp to my fee
  19. Iv been told there is a lurcher show this weekend any news on it ?
  20. Cheers pal some good advise I'm gonna give it another big push at trainning him not lamping him with the lad, and I no improvement ill get one after Xmas.
  21. I no pal I won't be lamping my pup for at least another 6 months at least not until his training is 100%. But I was asking if you walk them on lead or off lead
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