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Alan Holmes

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About Alan Holmes

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Ha ha it just blew my mind a little how i could be so different and with my .22 it is not as noticeable! How does it effect if you are shooting up in to a tree? Im going to have to speak to a Physics teachers to explain as it will bug me!
  2. Thanks Walshie I worked that one out, but how can there be such a difference?
  3. Ok I may sound really stupid here BUT: Been plinking with my new AA S200 .177 in the garden, it is set up for 30 yards and the garden is only about 15 at a push. So when I am shooting out of the patio doors it inevitably shoots slightly low. However at the same distance I was shooting out of the bedroom window on Sunday and expecting it to be shooting slightly low as usual but it was shooting high, about half and inch??? I have been plinking again tonight from the conservatory and it was shooting low as it usually would, so it has not been knocked or out of 0 in some way. Please could
  4. Out of interest what are the aa s300 like, you don't see many about? Is it because they are that good no one wants to part with them or jot many were made before the aa s410 came out? Good shooting, my terrier would not sit still long enough for me to see anything.
  5. Agreed I got one of these a few weeks and its just the job!
  6. Ps the rabbit stew was great, I had forgotten just how tasty it is! Also my 3year old son wolfed it down and told me that rabbit is his favourite......... Very proud dad!!! Thanks for all the kind comments Al
  7. Haha thanks skot, I think if it was sharp i would have chopped my fingers to bits! I love my HW im really pleased with it, although I intend to get it tuned and a sling on it to carry around.
  8. Thanks Villaman, I agree! When I used to shoot I had a AA s410 which ws a great gun but something lured me back to a singer like when I was a kid. Im really happy with it!
  9. Thanks guys i've been buzzing since! I also need to sharpen my knife, as it was hard work preparing them with blunt one! I have hopefully attached a pic.
  10. After been out of aigun shooting for many years, I got a HW97 and managed to gain a permission at a local rugby club. Anyway I went for the first time last night and bagged 2. I have been out keeping an eye on them for a while, so I know where the hot spots are and last night the wind was in my favour. I set off to one of the areas were they hang out and spotted 4 munching away (they have obviously not been lamped before, as they didn't bother with the white light I used to locate them), I stalked in using some big tractor types at the side of the pitch as cover and got about 30meters away and
  11. I have just read the whole thread and going to have a go, cheers to everyone for adding to it.
  12. I had the same dilema last year and after shouldering the two I went with the HW97. I absolutely love it and so glad I went back to shooting a springer rather than a pcp! Just got a permision at the weekend so going to smash some bunny's tonight. good luck with your choice and let us know what you decide!
  13. You could almost get new set up for £400. As said above wait for one to come up, I recently got a 97k for less than £300 from one in mint condition. good luck!
  14. Not sure your location but Blackpool air guns have got a hw 77k second hand. its a real beauty in .22. I would have hone for it myself but just recently got a hw97k older version stock in mint condition. my wife wants me to stop taking it to bed with me and feels unloved since the gun arrived. As stated earlier quality guns you cant go wrong with.
  15. I had a s410 for years in 177 and loved it, it smashed everything I aimed at. my brother has it now and said he would never go back to .22. I however decided I wanted a springer again so got a hw9Tk in .22. I think if I ever got a pcp again I would get 177. good luck with your choice.
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