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Everything posted by fay

  1. by the way thats not my dog i seen this pic an copied it from fb for u to see
  2. eto flam has any 1 ever used this its good stuff by what ive read i couldnt get iodine so i used this instead as my dog has a sprained hock
  3. have a look at my videos i put up and tell me where im going wrong tanxs
  4. do what i use to do just go get the dog bring it home and when your mum sees it just say ah mam look at how small and nice it is they soon fall for them and bobs ur uncle i got away with this till i moved out lol im 23 now lol whippet type but then its what u want to do with it i have 1 here here whippet bull croos absolute everyting i say and she s agood al rounder and small
  5. its on this topic mate its says my training video update a few treads down from this 1
  6. im going to start using stuff i use for the pigeons its an omega oil with every ting in it could it b a puppy coat my other dogs are grand plus i no a fellas dog who goes like that brown then it just falls off
  7. i put a video up can some 1 tell me what they see wrong please tanxs
  8. her coat has been breushed every day and still it wont conditon its like a puppy coat that needs to shed
  9. sorry lads camara went a bit funny
  10. im not a lass lol im bloke the dog has no signs of ribs shwoing wormed im just not happy with her hip bones showing she gets here full meal with some raw chickn and cardilge ill put a pic up to stop the debate lol
  11. i f***ing hate cows no matter what there sneaky c**ts at night i was out one time and 1 snuck behind me i had to jump a fence it wouldnt back off there dangerous in my eyes i was out shooting 1 day a herd came running over when they seen me i waved and tried to move them on i got few young bulls coming at me i took a shot in the air they still didnt move if i had my way that day i would of put 1 in its head so now i will not go in a field with cattle .a cattle farmer told me [BANNED TEXT] i was in his fields its not the dogs theyl get its u they will chase a dog knowing its going to run to the
  12. i was using rice but i found there shit was watery from it
  13. my 10 month old hound doesnt seem to put the weight on as in her hip bones are shown but her ribs arnt ive never had a full hound shes fed twicw a day and then every other day they get raw chiken ect she was wormed with drontol do u recken she will b like this till she starts to fill out ?
  14. im on the proces of doing it finding it a bit hard tho
  15. how much would it cost for a 2 inch with an irish flag on it actualy make that 2 of the 2 inch 1 and a 1,5 inch 1 aswell with delivery if any 1 has a clue tanxs
  16. i love cockers like that with a white stripe i seen 1 for sale a few months ago and it was a beaut
  17. check my new videos out i just made im a b beginner to the gun dog world i soon learned her favorite toy and she will do any ting for it
  18. http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/mickc101189/media/018_zpsa980b685.mp4.html http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/mickc101189/media/021_zps85c32da9.mp4.html
  19. heres afew videos i put to gether im a beginer at this kind of ting so have a look an see what u tink there is diferenr videos sit stay long retievs across a river ect im delighted so far im no profesional but what ive acchieved so far im quiet happy http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/mickc101189/media/021_zps7c1ddc42.mp4.html http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/mickc101189/media/020_zpsae01270f.mp4.html http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/mickc101189/media/019_zps9dd481be.mp4.html
  20. as my posts say im only new t training gun dogs wel i try inanyways im quiet happy with my progress if u spot any problems will u please let me no these videos are based on sit stay go retrieve and i also hid and trew the balls in places that wer very hard to find but she managed to do it tanxs fo looking
  21. tried the stop whistle with an expandable lead the dog comes back and drops beside me lol i made videos of my progress to look over to see any faults ill try get them up
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