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Everything posted by fay

  1. here she is the day i got her
  2. the chap i got her doesnt race he has a bit of land but had her as a pet shes only going 9 months now but its the last 2 weeks or so shes gone loke this and shes getting well loked after another ting i noticed is shes gone very snappy towards the other dogs ill be using her for lamping ferreting ect she a fine big dog but this whining ect has me head done in any more info will b perfect ill b worming her again to morrow and see she lived in and out doors no heated kennels ect as she was a pet do u recken she could turn sround to b hunted early days yet
  3. to days in and feel like strnglen my dog shes to f***ing hyper just wont stay put now god give me patience lol i need a collor i say with her does the saying actualy work u cant teach an old dog new tricks lol
  4. i bought 1 from lidls 17 euros it does 6 v and 12 volt it also trickles before to give a proper charge well worth it
  5. i get boxes of scrap meat and cartilge bones for my dogs i give raw rabbit everytime i get it and feed raw meet also and they love it saves me a fortune on meats wer i get it i can get at least 3 weeks feeding out of 1 box depending on the quantity 3 handfulls per dog and there stuffed wont eat anymore lol
  6. i got a full hound a few weeks ago probaly 4 or 5 inanyways went out with her the other day went to put the lead on her she started yelping now i barley touched her caller .i was taking the washer out of the shed yeaterday and i barley tiped of her and she ran past me yelping as if i hit her i asked the missus to put her into the pen just there she got her caller now barley touched her and start whining y is she doing this are all full hounds this soft never had a full 1 .the chap i got her off more less mody coddled her very loving family coaches the lot not saying anyting but i had her out f
  7. no im right handed but use my left hand for the likes of pool bit strange i put the gun to my right shoulder i was asking will i have to mount to the left ?
  8. good lurcher to lurcher breeding from very good stock and your half way there
  9. no my mate isn the problem the dog wont chase anyting at all so he cant b at fault if the dog wont move i dont no ive never seen it it any dog not to run at this age its 3/14 hound 1/4bull ive a pup here thats nuts and its 6 months and it will chase the wind lol
  10. from your experience with pups when start them do u tink they should have the drive to chase anyting ball ect or even if u wer out and let them watch other dogs lamp should they try get at wats running a friend was asking me this hes dog is 9 mnths now and it did run once then now its not botherd he said so i brought him out the other nite for a quick shine to see let it watch my dog hes dog wouldnt even look nor try pull or run to get st it he got up on a squatter the rabbit ran she wouldnt even bother chasing it now she seen my dog run a few so she should of coped on i put 1 on the ground i
  11. sound advice lads the dog was shot over but she was more used to flush in a pack for foxes ect so thats y the manners isnt there now i done the basic on the whistle sit stay ect out he back thats grand but soon as u hit a field thats it she mad to work she will flush game when out shotting but i only done this twice with her as her recall and obedience is crap and im not 1 for shouting my head off going threw fields a collor i tink is the best idea so ive been told so ill try that and see
  12. im tinkn it wat age was your dog when u gto him /
  13. have a cocker there shes 3 nd a half smashing dog to work but wont listen treid her on the whistle out the back does well out in a field she justs want to go i got her last year so who ever had her must of used her in a back to buch cover she just wont listen when shes out works very well she will flush all game and sound on foxes ect but i cant get her to b obedient is she to far gone now for manners or will a shock collor do her any help please
  14. tanxs engraver i got a slip on pad when i got the gun i use my left i closed my mate only said to me to do clays to morrow with them it will sort me out that ting with funger is mad ive just being doin it there pointing at a screw on the door from about 15 ft away id aim at it then close my left eye its swingn to the left i close my right eye its on target is trhis wat u mean by it will this mean ill have to mount the gun on th my right shoulder instead of my left
  15. sound advice tanxs dont no wat it is i forgot to mention i used my mates semi auto and hadnt any problems with that head is melted with it trying to get it right should it make a diference tho with bottom barrel first ?
  16. i seen that add last year aswell must have not got it back
  17. got a pedretti o/u problem is its bottom barrel first now my qs is im having a bad time hitting with it im on the bird with the bead take the shot bird missed i try looking down the barrell still missing dont no wats goin on im new to shooting but i did do a bit of clay in a place and always hit they where top barrel first should it make a difference wich barrell comes first im just not hitting now when i say im nmot i hit to day at a fair range and missed about 15 inearly useda full box of 6 32s on crows please any help on this
  18. my collie cross is a good dog to clever tho but she will b my only 1 i say ill have as when i got here there was noting done to her but she has the traits of them and it can b very annoying
  19. 25/10/2012 Price change. Over the last 30 years, we have always charged the same price for dogs and bitches with any coat or colour. But, the most dominant colour in Collies is Black. We have decided that from now on all SMOOTH COATED BLACK DOGS will be slightly less in price. If you would like more details, then please ring Sally or David
  20. racing pigeons ,shooting, decoying ,probaly a bit of fishing dont no yet
  21. i was told there this and that the grey wasnt marking the otherside of the ditch it was my other dog but the grey is starting to learn quick as well as my other bitch whippet collie bull hound
  22. good stuff mate its great dont really care for neeting lately more sport in bolting
  23. went out the other day was in the field for 9.30 brought the new ferret second time out and brought the full hound pup 8months and mu other dog lu had the nets in the bag but got lazy and said feck it ill let the dogs do the work only learning so put the ferrt in lu marks up the holes bang out comes 1 now these are hedges that are heard to get them on so it was a bit of fun inanyways out come another 1 straight in to lus mouth but she didnt grab it with full jaw droped and went trew the cover lu was after it then it hit another hole the grey was on the lead watcing the out comes another straig
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