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Everything posted by tintin29

  1. All the pups in the oscar x bella litter are very nice like them a lot top breedin in them 2 atb tintin
  2. Yes bella throws big strong pups my bitch is 26 tts and as strong as a bull and her litter brother is 27 tts u will have some fun with that pup pal.
  3. Looking well lads I've got a 15 month old bitch owt ov bella from the linein I had with her befor I give her too sailor atb with pups lads
  4. Little cracker that mate atvb with it
  5. Wish u the best ov luck with pups pal
  6. My pal had 2 the 1 what was the spit ov that and a whoolie pup which jamie wilson got off him, he a nice pup anyway pal I like him a lot wish u the very best ov luck with it atb tintin
  7. He a nice dog pal my mate had 1 the spit ov him owt ov ozzie that's why I asked his breeding atb tintin
  8. He some stamp ov a pup him very nice wish u the very best ov luck with him mate
  9. Pmsl what on earth have u done too the poor thing lmao
  10. Lmao get a pics up got too see this
  11. My bitch is off wilkie's ruby x scouser pal
  12. They keep me happy cap so that's all that matters too me mate atb for this season mate
  13. What's with the rocky music like lmao
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