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Everything posted by tintin29

  1. There's good dogs all over the country lads
  2. She's comeing on well mate atb with her hopefully get owt next season and see her on sailor was always ringing me and telling me about that pup u kept think u will have some sport with her for sure pal
  3. Lmao no need for that haha I probs pop up tmora mate when if I get a car sorted
  4. If u seen sailor ya no why the dogs gets more action mr powers lol
  5. Should be toppers them jimmy atb with them mate
  6. Very chancey them pups will be like mate sky a lovely bitch
  7. 2 good bitches there jimmy mate
  8. That's a crackin pup wish u the very best ov luck with it mate
  9. She the real deal posh be the [BANNED TEXT] move getin a pup owt ov her for sure
  10. Them pups are belta's mate think u could be onto a winner with them kill em anywhere I reckon
  11. Best ov luck with the lineing pp be very chancey pups with there breeding mate
  12. Only the last few day the phone calls have been getin abit nasty lads sayin they goin t bat me if I don't part but the big men are privert numberin me me burn seen alad on bk fence lastnite but my neighbour dog scared em off with him going owt too see what dogs was goin mad for there feckin scum bags and hope I'm in when they come no matter how many there is 1 won't be leavein my yard trust me had dogs for years and years and neva had anyone try a take em but for some reason they want this dog and I'd love too no how they got my number I'm sick thinkin ov just packin in getin shot ov my dogs
  13. Dirty scum bags goldfinch is that 1 ov them I bred?
  14. Pups are belta I've seen mother run aswell very fast and game very chancey these pups
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