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Everything posted by Sighthound

  1. Are you foreign? I hope your not working and stealing our jobs or even worse our menfolk
  2. .........and then you get the reply, 'I’ve had enough of this country I'm going to emigrate' :o I hope these people won't be working when they go cos you wouldn't want to be taking that countries jobs would you?
  3. I really can'y believe some of these replies. 'Oh it's ok cos your wife is working paying tax etc'. And yet half of you were bleating in the BNP thread that 'they' were taking all 'our' jobs. What are they supposed to do? work and take British jobs or come here and do nothing!
  4. Not your fault at all mate, as someone said it shows you care for your dogs: It's your vet that needs condemning! Ask about and see if anyone can recommend a good vet. ATB
  5. That really is shocking that your vet charged you that It was stinging nettles all young dogs go through that until their feet toughen up. IMHO it was also unprofessional of the vet prescribing antibiotics for no good reason. Put it this way you would be jumping about if you went through nettles in your bare feet.
  6. A bitch trying to mount another is the bitch trying to assert her dominance. Pehaps it's the spaniel who has the problem with her place in the 'pack'?
  7. I agree word of mouth. I had signs done for my van, business cards and a 1000 leaflets printed. I never delivered the leaflets because one customer recommended me to her friend etc and it just snowballed. I'm fully booked right through until summer and 4 days work per week for the rest of the year. So if I was looking for a trade it would be by asking around and getting personal recommendations.
  8. Lived with my other half 27 years - still not married. We have nothing in common Our first date was a nights lamping our second a days ferreting (took a picnic to make it romantic) she has never been out with me mooching since But have been through thick and thin together, and still love her to bits :sick: You've just got to find the right one.
  9. sadly I think he is :thumbdown: Why not keep her? She'll keep the pup you are keeping quiet and will bring on the pup better than you could ever do.
  10. ....or to put it simply if you crossed a collie with a greyhound the pups would be 1st crosses. If you crossed one of these pups with a greyhound they would be 3/4 breds. Who ever said 1st crosses were no good was talking out of their arse, good and bad in all crosses. I'd forget about the percentages though, if you have seen the dog work and your happy then go for it.
  11. I agree with everyone and am glad I am not the only person who gets irritated by it. Even if it is too far either through no transport or lack of money why bloody mention it
  12. Nice shooting Mr TP. How did that Deerhound X lurcher of yours turn out?
  13. Had a blue eyed collie as the family pet when I was a kid. He was deaf, responded well to hand signals etc, very obediant BUT when he lost sight of you he was snookered! He learnt to always keep you in sight eventually, take him to a vet though.
  14. You made the right decision. I had a great wee terrier years ago which was fine until about 5 years of age. Then one day she got into a fight with my whippet over a bone my father in law gave them :realmad: Had to separate them all the time, which was a nightmare as the terrier was out to kill my whippet and would chip teeth trying to get to her through the wire. To cut along story short one day she did get to my whippet bitch and nearly killed her (very big vet bill) I put the terrier down after this. The sad thing was that my whippet was never the same after and would bolt home if sh
  15. Shredded T bags for me and only £6 a bale
  16. It's still there. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...3389&st=105 just a few pages back.
  17. Sighthound


    looked into all sorts of vans when I set up my business. Went for the transit and haven't regretted it, great workhorses.
  18. Yes, it was the attitude of the dog that changed my thinking, the dog loved it. I know it's no substitiute for good walking but hey it's another string as they say. Found this. http://www.dogtrotter.net/?gclid=CPrjvfaT05oCFVOT3wodpC_d3Q check the vid out. - you could power your house with the energy that dog is creating.
  19. I was at a friend of a friends today and he showed me his treadmill for his dogs. Now I've always been of the opinion that they were for 'lazy' owners but his lurcher loved it, it got excited when he knew he was to go on it, this dog is always walked well as well as the treadmill. Anyone else had experience with them and did the dogs take to them?
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