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Everything posted by Sighthound

  1. I use these for work they are the dogs http://www.engelbert-strauss.co.uk/show/activeSITE.asp?p=%3CRubrikName%3ESUCHE%3C%2FRubrikName%3E%3Cfolder%20%20id%3D%22854F6CFA-3E6B-44ED-9004-B5AB953A379E%22%2F%3E%3Cslot%20name%3D%22content%22%3E%3Cco%20id%3D%222601671F-B60A-4B23-80D3-616CBCC9C096%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fslot%3E%3Cat%3E%3Cmillieu%3ED7BCB2A2-EB63-4707-A286-C4A75D42EB8D%3C%2Fmillieu%3E%3CArtikelid%3EA0863060-9126-4061-A765-7A528BF97682%3C%2FArtikelid%3E%3Cpage%3E1%3C%2Fpage%3E%3C%2Fat%3E&sid=8893daa59cf94f1a86a5b4efac1e6b14b0db926b
  2. Hi, bought the wife a cheap incubator for Christmas, we used to keep chickens but have never used an incubator, any advice tips etc. It's a manual turning forced air type. Thanks
  3. I've found that when a dog is 'always' on a lead on the few occasions they are let off they don't wan't to come back - can you blame them? Take him to places where he can run around safe from traffic etc, call him, if he doesn't come run away or even better hide, he'll soon come looking for you, cheese is a good treat, when you get him him on the lead don't go home, walk round for a few minutes then let him off again. If he associates the lead with going home and not having any more fun then can you blame him for not coming back?
  4. Well done, I've only ever seen them in books
  5. Got me this time Kate, Gadwall, pintail???? http://www.ducks.org/news/1069/duckofthemonthgadwal.html
  6. Without seeing the land it's hard to say. It doesn't matter how many birds you put down and how much grain you put down if the conditions are not right. Does your ground have plenty of cover, game crops etc. Are you keeping on top of the foxes etc. I help run a small shoot and we only put down 300 birds, we have had 4 shoots this year and will have two more before the season ends. Our average is about 40 birds a day,
  7. Boring I've been out today and love it. Thats with my spaniel though, I enjoy seeing her work, I suppose it could be boring if you did not have a dog.
  8. 18 is very good going for daytime, I'd be lucky to push out 18 Saying that though I've been beating today and my spaniel pegged 14 myxy rabbits I've never seen so many in one small area the ground was covered with them Shame cos that's my best mooching area once the pheasants have finished
  9. my favourite thing nowadays. Spaniel and lurcher and a saluki pup. I average only two or three.
  10. Dam -11/16th greyhound 2/16th collie 3/16th bull. Sire 16/16 greyhound. Pups 27/32 greyhound - 84.375% 2/32 collie - 6.25% 3/32 bull - 9.375%
  11. Ho Hum. Here we go again. As we reach the end of the warmest decade since 1850 all the idjits crawl out the woodwork. What even you dipshits should be able to understand is that GLOBAL WARMING IS A FACT. The extent to which it is anthropogenic is still open to debate,but it is real. The Arctic icecap has lost more area in the last 10 years than in the previous 200. The Antarctic icecap, which is the one that matters because it is land borne, is melting so fast that instrumentation can't keep up. Anyway. Let's consider "Conspiracy Theories". There are a few groups of people who have publis
  12. I studied ecology years ago at Uni and remember a respected prof telling me what a load a bollocks it all was, although in a more eloquent way He said that for years the life science departments had been struggling for money and many departments had closed down. Global warming and the subsequent influx of research money created an ‘Environmental industry’ for the first time these ‘scientists’ were in demand and as the saying goes ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds’. It is a self perpetuating con. I still remember as a kid being worried because I watched a programme telling u
  13. No, I had a whippet greyhound that snapped her tail. It was like a broken stick The vet had to amputate all but about 4 inches, like a dobermans dock Apart from looking stupid it had no affect on her catching at all.
  14. I put mine inside their box and plug it into a thermostat http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Main_Index/Heating_Index/Therm_1/index.html?source=adwords&kw=plug%20in%20thermostat&gclid=CKPMj5PLpJ4CFUtp4wodUhM0mg Heat lamps are ok but your heating a larger area. True they don't kick out as much heat as a lamp but placed in their box with a covered front a tube heater puts out more than enough heat. They are also very cheap to run.
  15. Heres my bitch as a pup. And at two years old, from a long line of collie curs
  16. My Marans used to stop laying first around the end of October and would start again early January.
  17. I agree, good feed and a draught free kennel. However I do use a greenhouse Tube heater like this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3FT-TUBULAR-HEATER-FROST-WATCH-GREENHOUSE-SHED-LOFT_W0QQitemZ190348018699QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Home_Garden_Hearing_Cooling_Air?hash=item2c51a0440b just plug it into a thermostat from B&Q and when it's really cold I know the dogs are OK. Very cheap to run as well.
  18. I do. £5 a year ffs. If it helps with the upkeep of the site it's a small price to pay.
  19. your tape measure was broken .... lol. i know which i thought was strange as i thought she would have been done by 14 months but it just shows you .... what is the dog standing at now mate ???? Haven't measured him for a while but is probably around 25 inches.
  20. I told you G my brindle bitch was 24 inches at 14 months old and is now 25 1/2 at 22 months.
  21. I had a whippet springer 30 years ago from Hertfordshire I agree mine was a great cover and ferreting dog but too slow for rabbits in a straight line.
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