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Everything posted by Sighthound

  1. You can't sign in anonymously anymore and have not been able to for a while so I don't know what your seeing
  2. I'm 45 Got my first lurcher when I was 14.
  3. It's a nightmare. I work 3 days a week maintaining the gardens on a large estate. The big house and it's gardens are all enclosed by a rabbit fence. It's a constant battle to keep on top of them trying to breach the defence I found a hole last week on the outside of the fence, stuck my hand in and right enough it went under the fence but could I find the hole on the other side, could I f**ck, the next time I was there I took my old hob, put him in and then lost him, out with the locator and he had emerged a full ten feet in the middle of a rhodendrum bush. Worse however are the deer, no
  4. lifes dramas they found out you go lamping how do you know this ? and how did they find out . perhaps you were just shite.
  5. I tokk my pup for it's jag the other week and the vet was telling me opinions are now changing he said the new thinking is that wee pups should socialise with other 'vaccinated' dogs at an early age, how you know if the other dog is vaccinated I don't know
  6. ................and you've a post for a lurcher wanted.
  7. i have the same problem, you dont know when a pet cat is going to wonder across the street and we are also one pet cat less thanks to my lurcher, cant blame em it runs they chase, instinct really.....all preventions can be taken but sometimes accidents do happen If you are worried about a cat crossing the street then why not put it on a lead?
  8. My vet told me antibiotics are useless because kennel cough is caused by a virus, but I'm lucky in that my vet is not a money grabber. I've always used benylin. this is quite useful. http://www.darwinvets.com/dogs/kennelCough.htm
  9. Very nice - First cross greyhound beddy ? Thats what you need one4thepot - a real allrounder.
  10. well in answer to your question - no they are not an all round dog.
  11. as promised a few more, 9 weeks now.
  12. 1) not really, you might get an odd one 2) maybe not 'leap' but will get over 3) Yes 4)No, good bushing dogs, yes the coat is a problem if not kept tight, 5) No - had two over the years, both never made the grade. Still like then though.
  13. Just to add I got the dog pup of this litter. If Bowers was just in it for the money he would of and could of have charged alot more more money than the £200 I paid, considering the breeding of these pups. ATB
  14. I was sent for a bubble for a spirit level. :icon_redface:
  15. Sighthound


    Cheers Onan I downloaded and wiped all my MP3's great software.
  16. Your doing the right thing the younger the better. Good luck!
  17. Don't listen to this idiotic advice you'll hurt the pup. Collie/greys post is good advice. I once had a pup that was a nightmare to get to walk on the lead I tried everything, then one day like Jigsaws it was ok.
  18. looking good, I can't stop mine eating he's really putting the beef on. I'm feeding minced beef, minced tripe and beta puppy. Wormed him Saturday (panacur puppy) You did well with these pups Bowers, he's very confident and shows no fear, his recall is also good. And apart from the first night is quiet in the kennel at night. No pics I'll get some up soon. All the best
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