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About taz..

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Interests
    diggin & killin

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  1. my mate got banned today for adding a picture of his russel with a bloody face! ive saw alot worse on here. not that it should matter in a working dog site.
  2. young lurcher doing great!

  3. wild european polecat free to good home

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. scothunter


      well you will be a modern day dr doolittle jai

    3. Ideation


      It's funny scott, folk are either asking me to save somethings life, or kill it, when they chap at my door!

    4. taz..


      i got that big fcuker because he was fcuked, i preferred him that way! need it away before the dogs eat it.

  4. people need to stay on there own ground instead of going on mine and wrecking holes!! arse holes!!

  5. getting colder now. thank fcuk says me!!

  6. aw this weather is really dane ma tits in!!

  7. lined a guys dog, pups born 2wk ago, he not answering fone! time to pay a visit i think!!

    1. johnc.


      if its the service fee your after,thats usually paid when the first pup is sold. be patient taz lol

    2. taz..


      i had pick of the litter, sorted now anyway. can relax now lol

  8. my muckboots lasted 2 month and burst at the side then the sole snapped. i done a bit of digging with them like, there no good for that, but with the weather these days boots dont keep your feet as dry!
  9. aboot time we hud frost & snow!! this weather wid rip yi!!

    1. long dogs

      long dogs

      i cant wait for frosts n snow

    2. foxtails


      me neither!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. got new addition to my killin team!!

  11. baby sittin!! shld b away wae dugs!!

    1. PIL


      Is that drugs or dogs .lol

    2. taz..


      lol should b on drugs and away with dogs.

  12. backshift sucks ass man!!

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