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General lee

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Everything posted by General lee

  1. Had a saluki whippet greyhound 23 tts rarely missed deer and she run them regular but wouldn't touch fox
  2. Middlesex not far from me hello and welcome
  3. Pit bulls aren't the begin all and end all of the bull breeds staffs and ebt have something to offer as well
  4. Is that the bull terrier breeder what happened I ain't heard anything
  5. Straight whippet don't want to much in the mix be just right for rabbits
  6. I woulda said a saluki whippet greyhound they are a good all rounder plenty of stamina speed and a good size not to big for rabbits and not to small for other things
  7. First crosses usually lose the roman nose but you can still see the long head get some pics up would like to see your dogs
  8. Saluki whippet greyhound or straight whippet greyhound bring the size down abit keep the speed up and add turning ability not saying he can't turn just seems a good cross
  9. Did you have to bolt that or did you find it in the open
  10. Could be a mite I bred a litter of pups and they kept scratching little bald patches that went red took them to the vets it was a mite
  11. I've had the same trouble mate lost a few chickens to fox set me trap in the field opposite and can't catch a thing sorry I caught one cat I tryd baiting it with pheasant feathered and plucked chicken featherd and plucked I tried cooked chicken lamb bones I tried sausage burgers and dog food and still nothing I'm obviously a very bad trapper
  12. If you want it for lumping rabbits and ferreting go for the collie cross I've had bull crosses and collie crosses bull crosses got there purpose but for lumping and ferreting I'd say the collie cross
  13. Let's see some more pics I'm very interested in American dogs
  14. Cheers mate but I'm a haemophiliac I need intravenous injections once a week I do it myself but it was enough to stop my application to emigrate to the states I tried year before last
  15. I like England for the health service but America is the place to be it ain't populated by interfering antis and you can hunt more than a rabbit and dan if you ever want to make the trip you can stay here and I could show you the hunting in England
  16. I joined this a few days ago and I'm not good with computers still getting to grips with it
  17. Might be sloughi dogs they look pretty solid
  18. Ita a coyote looks like a saluki greyhound they do a lot of coyotes in the midwest
  19. Had a minshaw bitch once blue stunning looking but when she was slipped she run like a collie she belonged in the show ring
  20. Nice birds I got some Oxford gingers been experimenting crossing them with aseels the chicks are 3 month old now and are making nice birds
  21. That's good enough give them a week then let them out
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