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General lee

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Everything posted by General lee

  1. What th f**k was that can't be serious can they
  2. Had both I reckon saluki cross depends what ya doing with them tho
  3. General lee


    Love to but ain't got the channel
  4. I remember when I was about 14 I walked throu a park at hounslow and there was a Indian festival going on they was playing a weird game a mix between rugby and wrestling as I walked past the kids were spitting at me and throwing cans of come at me and the parents and grand parents were laughing All these pakis Indians afghanis and every other freaky brown c**t are slowly taking over there all polite on there own get a few together and they are dirty ignorant bullying b*****ds
  5. Yeh I know what ya saying but its just a preference he gonna work it but would just like a chocolate one it's a question of taste
  6. Marshman he said must have earth dog breeding he didn't say I want a chocolate patterdale don't care if it works he wants a worker would just prefer a chocolate one the same as buying a car you want a good one but you got a preference in color nothing wrong with that
  7. The man said he wanted a working terrier just prefferd a chocolate color one nothing wrong with that
  8. I take it you want it to just guard your place not be a trained attack dog just look mean enough to put of intruders if that's the case a Rottweiler or a Doberman a mallanoi might be a better attack dog but don't look much in ya yard
  9. Nice birds mate I bred a few oxfords this winter
  10. Can't see how anyone can say they got the best in the country there must be hundreds of dogs that haven't run against each other how can you say ones better when they haven't competed
  11. I'm in Bracknell and there's loads of red kites here I see them in flocks of 5 or 6 regular I've seen them take starlings doves and all types of song birds I've seen them eating rabbits even seen them eating laying hens but I've never seen them actually kill a rabbit or chicken
  12. Haha yes mate they would because you can't offend people especially a minority
  13. I doubt it will get overturned to much of a nanny state now
  14. Best dog I ever had was a red saluki whippet greyhound bitch 23 tts
  15. Be to big and heavy wouldn't they nice dog thou
  16. Yeh mate go for it but I'd use a pbt dog on a greyhound bitch
  17. He being thrown off of land he owns because he lives in a caravan and it offends people he should live in a house and have a nine to five and a mortgage how dare he be different
  18. Pedophiles should be used for medical experiments
  19. Might be every one going out and taking fifty to a hundred rabbits 3 or 4 times a week they just can't breed quick enough
  20. Should be good dogs mate I had a straight whippet greyhound was a good all rounder on all quarry to hard for his own good hit a plough at 6 year old
  21. The origanal slave tackers where black sailors taking white fisherman and most of the slaves shipped to America where sold there by there own tribes anyway that was so long ago it shouldn't matter they have had long enough to get over it and get there acts together it's time they stopped moaning about the white man the problem is its cool to be black whites embrace black culture while ignoring there own in the name of tolerance so there children grow up exposed to black culture and learning nothing of there own so you end up whith wite kids wearing jeans round there ass caps on sideways saying
  22. Tryd to pm mate wouldn't let me I might be interested could you get in touch please cheers
  23. I had a bull cross that wouldn't look a fox and a whippet greyhound that loved them single handed it do depend on how they are brought on but some dogs just don't have it
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