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General lee

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Everything posted by General lee

  1. Chennel four dogging tales it's the funniest thing I've ever seen
  2. Good video mate that red dog was loving it nearly as much as the man doing the dancing haha seriously tho real good dogs
  3. No reason a working dog can't be around kids but I wouldn't keep any animal inside
  4. Love the walking dead never miss it
  5. Thanks for the sensible answer mate I found a badger on the side of the road about a mile from where I live and the nearest set is about 3 mile from where I found it as the crow flys don't know to much about there habits wasn't sure if it would have wonders that far and throu a built up area to
  6. How far from its set would a badger travel this time of year
  7. Johhny frankham was from twyford he now lives at crowthorne he won a lot of money and he has a house and yard there about 4 miles from my place
  8. No to actually see what there dogs can do its a competition and it is a form of training aswel it's not baiting the pigs are not tethered the have there tusks in tact and are healthy and looked after
  9. Hog dog trials they do it in Louisiana the dogs have to bay the pig for a certain amount of time and the pig had room to move in the pen it was strong and healthy probably ended up with a cut ear the way everyone's going on you would think it was a piglet getting ripped to shreds by a hundred pitbulls
  10. John McGuire did make it to the UFC he fought Tom kong Watson for the bamma title as well I fought hes brother at the Dorset steam fair I think he turned pro not sure how far hes gone tho
  11. Travellers are talented and got the discipline to train and change there diet but travellers mature quicker and take on a lot of responsibility at a young age and life gets in the way that's why you see them at amature level and not so much at the pro level
  12. If hes hunting baboons with dogs that can't handle baboons he needs to get dogs that can
  13. Why would you want to shoot them when you can use proper dogs and hunt them some dogs die hunting dangerous game but I bet if they had the chance they would do it again there brave animals doing what they love
  14. Not exactly forbidden but there so many rules it practically is its nice to see some good terriers doing what they are ment to do do you only work jagds or do you know anyone that works any other breeds
  15. I see loads where I am in Berkshire mainly roe and muntjac did see a red deer stag a few years back see him about three times the last time I was walking my dogs never see him after that
  16. Nice dogs mate your lucky to live there and need dogs like that
  17. As I see it they might make good dogs for bushing and ratting they probably won't be digging dogs but if you fancy trying one check the parents make sure they are what they are supposed to be and if you like what you see try one
  18. Well know where to go for legal advice from now on didn't know there was so many lawyers on here haha
  19. Vodka makes you do strange things haha
  20. See ya can never do the right thing trying to be honest got ya that shame ya didn't break it and just go
  21. See that a few weeks ago they are insane
  22. I heard ray mears and bear grylls get advice from this man haha if he's happy preparing for the end of the world good luck to him keeps him occupied
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