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General lee

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Everything posted by General lee

  1. Believe or not mate it was worse than that with more rubbish and old motors then a fire cleared it out and he piled more motors and caravans in there and it's to close for another fire I was lucky it didn't burn me down last time as well
  2. I was thinking it might be for work or something yeh mate your welcome I'm sure I could show you a bit of Lurcher work be nice to get a different perspective on it
  3. My grandad kept racing whippets for years and they would take the odd hare when out in walks I was only small and the dogs seemed massive but looking back they were probably 19 or 20 tts
  4. There's been more than a friendly talk I despise the man
  5. Same here mate if you ever visit England let me know might be able to sort out a few runs for you also what made you move there if you don't mind me being nosey?
  6. This is what is next door to me all the caravans are abandoned fully furnished except the big white one in the second pic there is also a block of stables some dog pens and other sheds buried in the brambles this is all within 20 feet of where I live the old man that lives there is constantly putting food out for cats and bird sead that the rats are eating I can catch a few but they keep coming back I am thinking about chucking poison over the fence
  7. I meant to put some pics on here but haven't had time I caught a large male day before yesterday I caught a large female last night and I caught a half grown one tonight I have seen at least five running all around the yard of all sizes I just can't seem to get on top of the dirty things I will get some pics tomorrow show what I'm up against
  8. Mine would be called the choices not to make a cautionary tale of how not to live your life
  9. If they found snap from the killer couldn't they trace the family?
  10. Because everyone knows British is best and these sand mongrels can only plod along in straight lines
  11. I personally wouldn't put up with that from a terrier or lurcher pal-funny how folk judge others when they obviously don't have their own yards in check. the reason you have kept it this long is money imo-if it wasn't the case then you 'd of rolled it into a hole along time ago?sounds like poor,lazy ,early socialising on your part pal.only time I'd tolerate aggressive behaviour is if one dog enters another's kennel/run-scraping in the back of a motor/ out on the land is a big no no.atb dcForgot amore about and trained more hunting animals than youve seen you sound lik a prick lurchers may or m
  12. No no no, not true at all. I've given my address to a couple that got too personal for my liking, big difference....Didnt you just write something about anyone that wants to send you a pm just relax abit mate it's just people winding you upI am relaxed, yes of course I said that because I've just been banned. Why would I want to carry on the same shit on this topic???Why do you even answer they are obviously just winding you upYou think I don't know that hahaha, difference is though I don't go crying to get the clowns banned but if you give it em back they go crying. HahahaDifference is they l
  13. I personally wouldn't put up with that from a terrier or lurcher pal-funny how folk judge others when they obviously don't have their own yards in check. the reason you have kept it this long is money imo-if it wasn't the case then you 'd of rolled it into a hole along time ago?sounds like poor,lazy ,early socialising on your part pal.only time I'd tolerate aggressive behaviour is if one dog enters another's kennel/run-scraping in the back of a motor/ out on the land is a big no no.atb dcForgot amore about and trained more hunting animals than youve seen you sound lik a prick lurchers may or m
  14. No no no, not true at all. I've given my address to a couple that got too personal for my liking, big difference....Didnt you just write something about anyone that wants to send you a pm just relax abit mate it's just people winding you upI am relaxed, yes of course I said that because I've just been banned. Why would I want to carry on the same shit on this topic???Why do you even answer they are obviously just winding you upYou think I don't know that hahaha, difference is though I don't go crying to get the clowns banned but if you give it em back they go crying. HahahaDifference is they l
  15. I personally wouldn't put up with that from a terrier or lurcher pal-funny how folk judge others when they obviously don't have their own yards in check. the reason you have kept it this long is money imo-if it wasn't the case then you 'd of rolled it into a hole along time ago?sounds like poor,lazy ,early socialising on your part pal.only time I'd tolerate aggressive behaviour is if one dog enters another's kennel/run-scraping in the back of a motor/ out on the land is a big no no.atb dc Forgot amore about and trained more hunting animals than youve seen you sound lik a prick lurchers may or
  16. No no no, not true at all. I've given my address to a couple that got too personal for my liking, big difference....Didnt you just write something about anyone that wants to send you a pm just relax abit mate it's just people winding you upI am relaxed, yes of course I said that because I've just been banned. Why would I want to carry on the same shit on this topic???Why do you even answer they are obviously just winding you upYou think I don't know that hahaha, difference is though I don't go crying to get the clowns banned but if you give it em back they go crying. HahahaDifference is they l
  17. No no no, not true at all. I've given my address to a couple that got too personal for my liking, big difference....Didnt you just write something about anyone that wants to send you a pm just relax abit mate it's just people winding you upI am relaxed, yes of course I said that because I've just been banned. Why would I want to carry on the same shit on this topic???Why do you even answer they are obviously just winding you upYou think I don't know that hahaha, difference is though I don't go crying to get the clowns banned but if you give it em back they go crying. HahahaDifference is they l
  18. No no no, not true at all. I've given my address to a couple that got too personal for my liking, big difference....Didnt you just write something about anyone that wants to send you a pm just relax abit mate it's just people winding you upI am relaxed, yes of course I said that because I've just been banned. Why would I want to carry on the same shit on this topic???Why do you even answer they are obviously just winding you up You think I don't know that hahaha, difference is though I don't go crying to get the clowns banned but if you give it em back they go crying. Hahaha Difference is the
  19. Did anything come of that claim they where going to exhume Mary Kellys body after being given permission from the ministry of justice Frank, seem to recall it was some claim that the killer was Mary Kellys husband & she was his last victim I've always heard that it was some Polish man that was the killer. Or that man can't remember he's name that went to texas killed some more women in the same style and ended up in a new York mental home
  20. No no no, not true at all. I've given my address to a couple that got too personal for my liking, big difference....Didnt you just write something about anyone that wants to send you a pm just relax abit mate it's just people winding you up I am relaxed, yes of course I said that because I've just been banned. Why would I want to carry on the same shit on this topic??? Why do you even answer they are obviously just winding you up
  21. No no no, not true at all. I've given my address to a couple that got too personal for my liking, big difference.... Didnt you just write something about anyone that wants to send you a pm just relax abit mate it's just people winding you up
  22. Not my idea of a well educated working dog. . . It would have to be the best dog I had ever owned and I would never breed from that sort of characteristic. . . Its shame when you have a world beater,but its still got traits you would not want in future breeding. Hes probably a more capable worker than anything you have. He is a line dred desert dog from our own lines he is bred to kill stuff and his line are to put meat on the table daily in COO not weekend sport. If you knew anything about saluki packs you would know what traits the Alpha males and females retain and generations of Alphas co
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