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General lee

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Everything posted by General lee

  1. Uxbridge is about 8 mile from me I will give him a ring thanks lurcherman887
  2. Thanks for all the advice I did lead walk and no running for about 5 weeks when it first happend and it's been a few month and I thought he was over it then one accidental run and it flared up again I have been given a number by someone of here but I can't get hold of them yet but hopefully they can help
  3. Do you reckon Dan do you think it would last this long?
  4. if one short of coin take the route six weeks plus another six gentle lead walking.atb bunnys. The vet pulled his leg around felt it and seemed to be alright so he said its possible it was a small fracture but probably a bad sprain so he was rested and lead walked had a couple of set backs but nothing bad and I haven't lamped him atall he seemed to be ok then he's run the other night and he's leg swelled up and couldn't put any weight on it he's now nearly normal again no swelling and just a slight limp so Im not sure what's going on
  5. I've always preferred the transit I had a 90 bhp one never let me downandi worked it hard hadit for 3 years never had a problem
  6. He's 100 percent right that policeman would have you fines in a heart beat with a smug look on his face if he caught someone using a phone
  7. At the end of september I think it was my dog run flat out into a ditch I started a thread about it anyway hes leg swelled up around the knuckle couldn't walk or straighten it took him to the vet he said maybe a small fracture probably a bad sprain a weeks painkillers see how he goes well the swelling went down and after awhile he seemed to be ok I haven't run him just plenty of walks and the odd short run the busher put up for him all seemed fine then last nigh I walk the dogs down to the river about a ten minute walk and they chase something in the dark across a nearby field a can hear the b
  8. I love videos like this the police think they can do whatever they want and I love it when they get told like that
  9. I got a Lakeland Russell bitch here coming on 8 year old she loves pheasant even if she's running the scent of a rabbit and picks up pheasant scent she will leave the rabbit and follow the pheasant always been the same
  10. Shaddy should be interested in this pup isn't this what he's planning to breed
  11. Filming what a disgrace deserves a ten stretch oh sorry wrong thread good work trunk good dogs as well mate
  12. Did I take a wrong turn and end up n the anti hunting life?
  13. I'm not saying your dogs are no good but people over here seem to think coon is not as hard for a terrier as our fox and your dogs can't be as good as ours if some were shipped over then we would all know for sure I personally haven't got a clue I've never hunted raccoons
  14. I wasn't saying you thought your dogs were better I thought it was the other way around with people over here saying coon wasn't as good as fox
  15. We're having duck this xmas I don't really like turkey to dry
  16. I watched a programme called it was alright in the seventys a couple of days ago it was about how racist everything was on tele back then and some of the people watching the clips you could see they thought it was funny but they acted upset and disgusted because they obviously thought that was the right thing to do everyone now is afraid to be they're self and just conform to what they think they should be
  17. Couldn't someone from here sort out a couple of unrelated dogs and one of the American boys could have them shipped out it be worth it in the long run and then the question of whether our dogs are better or not would be answered
  18. Same age as me mate sorry it just seem like you was young from that post hope you find a dog that suits ya
  19. How old are you mate if you don't mind me asking
  20. Never heard of it what's it about without giving away the ending
  21. Your like doctor Doolittle mate that's some control you got over your mink and lurcher
  22. Really who when and where genuine question I don't know anything about it
  23. These people are so out of touch with real life it makes you wonder how they function on a daily basis
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