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shovel leaner

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Everything posted by shovel leaner

  1. I’m a massive “ Partridge “ fan . But then Coogan went and spoiled it by getting all political during Brexit and implying that pro Brexit people were thick. Couldn’t care less about what he does now .
  2. I used to watch the UFC a lot years ago and I always enjoyed both of these fighters. I found Nick Diaz in particular a fascinating character in and out of the ring . And love him or hate him , he never took a backward step and always gave it 100% . When I heard he was returning after a 6 year lay off , I thought why ? It had to be for money . Lawler was in good shape and it was a different Diaz that turned up ( no middle finger ). Lawler I thought showed real class in his pre fight and post fight interviews, and has showed himself to be a humble and true sportsman. I hope that
  3. Sod it , I gave it one too , people can think what they like of me , ?
  4. Fingers crossed it’s only a broken nose and nothing more serious with the passing out thing. Hope she’s all right bud ?
  5. I would give that a like …… but other members might judge me .?
  6. I’ve got to say I don’t have written permission, but I do have permission and like you the phone numbers. I also warn the landowners about when I visit and my whereabouts . If you start to ask farmers to sign things they tend to run a mile . ?I don’t think it’s a legal requirement to have a written piece of paper . But until you have an open ticket , the land on which you intend to shoot needs to be passed as suitable. Very flat stoney ground near houses for example might not be classed as suitable.
  7. Stone , you’ve been asking questions in the rifle section, so you are I’m taking it going to be using a rifle/ firearm ? You would legally be required to have permission to shoot on the ground from the landowner. The advice you are getting in the general section is mainly from members who hunt dogs or catapults , spears , boomerangs , and water pistols. The penalties for ignoring the law with anything to do with firearms is severe, you would be best advised to follow the letter of the law , get written permission, cross all the T’s and dot all the i’s , and leave nothing to chance
  8. I watched the fight . The woman was a far more skilled fighter, she hit him with her fists , kicks to the head , knees to the head , and he/she walked straight through them . His sheer brute strength got the female in a rear naked choke and it was over . It was a lousy horrific spectacle, that proved nothing, other than women should not allow themselves to be drawn into this pathetic freak show . It’s up there with the diabolical things I’ve ever witnessed.
  9. I did a like for like during lockdown, when I scrapped my old 22lr and got a Tikka 22lr . And Gloucestershire constabulary had it back to me in days. I can’t fault them . I’ve never had to wait long for anything with them .
  10. I love a .243 . I will have to get a chronograph. I have got to be pushing my Barnes varmint grenades at about that speed . I might be wrong but I think it kills them deader than my .223 ?
  11. They have cut the beans at long last . Even though there was a full moon , I thought I’d have a little look around. The first field of beans had a handful of roe and a few rabbits but no sign of Charlie. On to the second and I could see about 20/30 pheasants roosting down in the bean stubble, I reckon they have been roosting in the beans for ages . Then I spied Charlie on the far hedge row but it disappeared without offering a safe shot . I drove around a newly mown field of silage hoping to see something but was disappointed. I thought I’d have a look at the field where I missed a fox the oth
  12. Felt like autumn this morning. Having already fed and had breakfast, I went to do a bit of dogging-in . I’ve just got this one area that seems to draw the birds first thing . There is a national trust car park there and plenty of dog walkers . So I just get there , and if I see any out of control dogs , I can remind the owner of their responsibility’s as a dog owner. Nice and quiet today and me and Tilly, my 11 year old Border terrier had a moment to appreciate how nice my office is . It really does feel like the “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness “.
  13. If it’s any consolation I don’t hold cattle in too high a regard either. But I can’t forget the frustration of dealing, single handed at night with ewes with lambs . I would have left them but I know it would have cost my permission.
  14. Depends how big the field is . I shoot a place that has them in small folds and if you spook them they are out . It might be the type of sheep also . Sheep are f@cking stupid animals .
  15. I’m the same , but I’ve learnt that if you start walking among ewes at night or for that matter cows that are suckling calf’s , all hell can break lose , in particular with sheep . I’ve spooked them so badly they’ve jumped walls and then I’ve spent the rest of the night getting them back . No I think Stavross did the right thing and left it for the farmer .
  16. My Mrs hasn’t been very generous with her sympathy, she doesn’t understand how serious my illness is !!! I’ll die and then she’ll be sorry .
  17. I was out feeding at 5.15 this morning after a rough nights sleep , I’ve got a serious case of “ man flu “ . I was shaking and sweating , coughing and sneezing. I told the Mrs Shovel to get all my affairs in order , not to sell my Miroku too cheaply and make sure she gets a decent amount for the rest of my guns . I’ve had a Lemsip for breakfast and I’m now out dogging in . This might be my last post on THL , I honestly don’t think I’m going to last the day out . It’s been nice knowing you all . What’s that light ? I feel strangely drawn towards it .
  18. Support your local gun shop , or don’t moan when it’s not there anymore and you have to drive miles to get ammo .
  19. Yes I remember rent a ghost, I also remember that it was crap , like all the other stuff on telly at the time . I will never forget Monkey because there was a character called Pigsy , and I had a girlfriend at the time that everyone called pigsy , because she had a slightly turned up nose , people can be so cruel. Anyway I didn’t care about her nose as she had a fine rack on her .??
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