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About taffydiver

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  1. Thanks Daz, I'll give you a buzz tomorrow Andy
  2. Thanks Daz, that's really close even If his RT has gone he may still be able to help Andy
  3. Hi daz, Live about 3 miles outside Chester Andy
  4. Thanks Mark, would really appreciate that. Andy
  5. Thanks J, That's what I was hoping to hear, I know I could carry on with Scar and Barry till next year but I've waited long enough now, Barry says I'm ready to go now and he's right I am Can you recommend a reputable RT breeder somewhere close to me that I can contact? TD
  6. Hi pal, thanks for that, your not a million miles from me is there someone in our area that might have a Male ready later this year? BTW nice collection of toys you have TD
  7. Hi all I've posted this on IFF as well but want to maximise my chances of a response In your valued opinion is November too late to get a Male RT or should I wait till next year now? If someone knows of a MRT that would be ready to leave his parents around that time I would be very grateful, if it was a bit earlier it wouldn't be too much of a problem Mews is nearly ready, permissions well sorted, over 3,000 acres exclusive to me so far and growing by the week now, one of my permissions fly's red tails and he's been mentoring me for the last 18 months I'm now ready but don't wan
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