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Iwan Lewis Hughes

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About Iwan Lewis Hughes

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 14/05/1993

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  1. Change of food did It for my Patt bitch , she had the same problem, food with less protein % did the trick. atb
  2. out . shes fine now , hair growing back and shes flying down earths, very keen at 9 months
  3. hi there , my patterdale bitch is itching and losing hair in patches on her back and neck , shes had a dose of ivormectin and various mange treatment so mange is out of the question, my uncle said it might be allergies to food , or even to other dogs (shes with my dads labrador -_- ) i dont know what to do anymore she looks a state and it's F@%&£NG annoying me now someone help , cheers Iwan.
  4. here she is. stoped itching now . on the mend i hope.
  5. anyone know when ivormectin starts to work , when will i see results? , she's still itching
  6. ill give her a dose of ivormectin tonight. cheers lads
  7. my 7 month old bitch has lost a lot of hair around the neck ,belly, elbows and on her hind legs. taken her to the vet , i got mange spot on, and after that a shampoo and another spot on . the vet ruled out mange and said it could be dry skin ... what do you think ?? any of you have this problem ??
  8. me and my brother just baught a landi, and i want a cb for it to go on the hunt ,what cb do you recomend guys. midland cb's are good right? cheers
  9. Hi , i have a patterdale terrier and was wondering when i should start to work her in the earth , many people have hold me different answers , what is the ideal age ? thanks .
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