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Everything posted by kghunt

  1. Info about hunt: Hunti ng Ar ea: Hunti ng t ours a re conduct ed at t he terr it or ies of " Ar pa" ar ea, Naryn Region, Tien Shan mountains. T he c amps a re loca ted in the hi ghla nds of T ien- Shan Mountai ns. T he hunt will take pla ce at an altit ude of 3500-4500m. T he c amps a re equi pped w ith hors es, electr ic li ghts a nd good food to ma ke t he hunti ng t ours enj oya ble a nd s ucc essf ul. Acc ommodati on is pr ovi ded in hunti ng l odges a nd/or s pi ke c amps. T he c amps will r educe tr avelli ng up a nd down t he
  2. Dear Friends, You can get more information about hunting in Kyrgyzstan (hunt for Marco polo and Mid-Asian ibex, prices, locations, photos etc...) by visiting our webpage www.kyrgyzmountainhunt.com
  3. Dear Hunters, I would like to offer you and your friends to our hunting services and further mutually advantageous cooperation. Our "Arpa-Marco Polo" Hunting Service Company Ltd operates since 2001, which located in a valley of "Arpa" of Naryn area at 89000 hectars and have been hunted many hunters from USA, Canada, Russia, India, France, Spain, New-Zealand, Australia etc. Our company gives to clients pleasure top-level, in that plan as camp conditions, professional guides, the size of trophies and certainly service. We will carry out the hunting round on the Marco Polo sheep and Mid Asian Ib
  4. Dear Hunters, I would like to offer you and your friends to our hunting services and further mutually advantageous cooperation. Our "Arpa-Marco Polo" Hunting Service Company Ltd operates since 2000, which located in a valley of "Arpa" of Naryn area at 35000 hectars and have been hunted many hunters from USA, Canada, Russia, India, Argentina. Our company gives to clients pleasure top-level, in that plan as camp conditions, professional guides, the size of trophies and certainly service. We will carry out the hunting round on the Marco Polo sheep and Mid Asian Ibex. The season of a hunt annuall
  5. ORIENTATION PROGRAM - 1st-10th November 2012! For 2-3 hunters! Hunting tours are conducted on the territories of our company "Ak-Say," located in the Uch-Chat or "Arpa" areas located in the Karakol zone. The camps are located in the highlands of Tien-Shan Mountains at an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level. The camps have the necessary gear, equipment, equipped horses, electric lights and good food to make the hunting tours enjoyable and successful. Accommodations are provided in a hunting lodge. Hunting is conducted at the request of a hunter on horseback or on foot in the mountains
  6. If you or your friends or any your clients interested in marco polo and ibex hunt 2012-2013, here some info about prices (if two hunters come together), programmes etc....... We will carry out the hunting round on the Marco Polo sheep, Siberian ibex in Naryn area of Kyrgyzstan . The season of a hunt annually begins with August 15 and till December 1 and March proceeds. These prices discounted : The hunting round on Siberian mountain ibex: Cost of round - 4 000 US dollars (2 000 US dollars comes back in a case not shooting of a trophy). Duration of round - 10 days,
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