I've never owned a saluki x gh [bANNED TEXT] so can anyone tell me what they would be like on a Charlie heard they are a dream on rabbits and hares .. And what they like lamping most people use them for day?
Ye mate that would be a good x right now I got a cracking pup 13 weeks old just waiting for him to get old enough he's breed dam: collie bull GH .. Sire: saluki GH
Yes thinking collie but didn't think they have good stamina I was also was thinking saluki GH but didn't know what they was like on a Charlie basicly id say collie GH put bk to a saluki?
I'm thinking about getting 1 from hancock out of kuble . Cuz they are border collie.. He just had pups now from a bearded collie x gh don't know how many is left