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Collie man

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About Collie man

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Anyone got any pictures of their sakuki x greyhound that they naught off Paul roberts
  2. Just woundering if anyone got pictures and had a pup off paul Roberts ? You take them lamping? Pics would gratefull thanks.
  3. Is it a collie GH the 1 who had catch?
  4. Ye mate where abouts in aberdare?
  5. ah right haha il have to do a post or flick through some ain't got a clue were to start on saluki x GH lol
  6. Thanks mate what's the price on a decent saluki x GH?
  7. Are they loyal dogs id like to have dog who I could take lamping and day time and ferreting. I might want take it shooting. And when I go fishing
  8. Not a big fan of bulls tbh they not me i suppose if i went kampong nearly everyone got a bull x so culd put the saluki on a fox with a bull x
  9. Ye mate TRUE I think the saluki x are growing on me ha
  10. I've never owned a saluki x gh [bANNED TEXT] so can anyone tell me what they would be like on a Charlie heard they are a dream on rabbits and hares .. And what they like lamping most people use them for day?
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