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Air arms s410

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About Air arms s410

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  1. I think it could be about 1of 20 or so houses. I will go round them tomorrow and ask about. I don't mind the fact that birds are being shot, just the fact that they are shooting into my garden( and I get lots of dead birds).
  2. Hi all, I've owned an air rifle for a few years now but never use at home ( 4 kids and 3 dogs) as I don't want the kids or animals to come to harm or pellets everywhere. I recently found 2 dead blackbirds on my garden which had been shot. And yesterday a wood pigeon and another blackbird. I have a very large tree in my garden with nests and I regularly feed the birds in my garden. As I was mowing my lawn today I heard the unmistakable sound of a air rifle and a pigeon fell out of the tree shot dead. I can't figure out where the shooting came fshootings online is shooting onto my property. I w
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