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About shadow12

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    Born Hunter

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  1. I would agree with most of that but it's not just pk Irish terrier crosses that couldn't cope with the fens no dog without saluki could cope with it and we know it because pk had the best of that type and if they couldn't do it well none would.
  2. How did the Irish dogs do were there many dogs that stood out just that so many people were on about Irish stuff not doing too good in England and vice versa u know mate irish dogs no good over here ,they all jacked .i was stood by a gang of irish fellers when irish lady pulled right out in the middle they were stunned .one or two fellers sold a few average english dogs over to ireland for good money but nothing any good ever went over there who owned her at the time,cant comment on something i know notting about,but to say notting good came over here your talking shit .name anything any
  3. How did the Irish dogs do were there many dogs that stood out just that so many people were on about Irish stuff not doing too good in England and vice versa u know mate as far as i know some of the irish dogs could not hack the hard going,and pulled the plug,but speedie could confirm this But why is this when all us Irish pride ourselves on having over game dogs and then we put the suki through them to make them better have or had we kennel blindness or did our best dogs just not make the boat ?
  4. Well that's that then lads I guess all those guys who thought they had good sticky dogs for any terrain or across the water were wrong myself included I suppose. I wonder are there any dogs around now that would put a good show on in England for us
  5. How did the Irish dogs do were there many dogs that stood out just that so many people were on about Irish stuff not doing too good in England and vice versa u know mate
  6. it was a click..they picked n chose who got in ..breeding fees n all that. How come they said they were the best dogs in Ireland you would think there would have to be qualifying rounds and the like.who was in charge of it?
  7. Well lAds just want to discuss the Forleys cup competition which the Irish lads ran in England I heard there were some good and bad dogs at it I never witnessed much of it so I was just wondering what the standard of dog at it was and how could you enter this comp how could a man qualify and how good a dog did a guy need to get into it
  8. I know a lot of lads up that way but they tell me it's no good but there very hidden fellas they wouldn't want anyone goin up suppose you can't blame them but your only a half hour from me in castlebar so your not far from a bit of huntin ground there if ya ever want a day out we do sumtin if ya like Bud.j.s. in tuam has good ground too I could get you up there too bud a lot of hares up that way if you know where your goin . sound,,we can kip in the house get a hunt some sat n sunday. No bother lad I'll pm my number too ya if you ever want a day out gimme a shout couple days before and I'
  9. I know a lot of lads up that way but they tell me it's no good but there very hidden fellas they wouldn't want anyone goin up suppose you can't blame them but your only a half hour from me in castlebar so your not far from a bit of huntin ground there if ya ever want a day out we do sumtin if ya like Bud.j.s. in tuam has good ground too I could get you up there too bud a lot of hares up that way if you know where your goin .
  10. not faster than some dogs tho Faster than all mine tho.... I was down our local strand gettin cockles and muscles last year with my brother we drove out on the strand for a mile and a half to the island where we pick on the way in a hare came from the island towards the mainland we followed it and for a solid mile that hare was doin 38mph fact I don't care what anyone else says I'd love to have a hunt off that fella come Xmas guaranteed straight line bud lol
  11. Ya there's a place in mayo around louisburgh they let them off from the coursing club it's very dry hilly ground you would want a full bred on speed to turn em lol
  12. Well done lad look after it ya can't. Bring half the c---s around anywhere they ruin it on ya beleave me now did you ever run them ones up along the river in foxford they were handy killed. Ya ff I only live bout 8mile from there not great surely always holds a lot of grass up there doesn't it even at Xmas I think myself anywhere you get a fair bit of grass all year ya can pick them up fairly handy bud I think anyway
  13. Ya bud I definitely think that's a fair comment I've had dogs do very well down my country which is very hard to run them and I would have to hunt them for a few weeks in the big land to break them into it but they would do well then on them.and I've got dogs that I've seen running well in the big land that took longer to get used to a contrary place. But then u can get an exceptional one to do it anywhere on its day .
  14. Ya fair play bud lookin forward to it sure we will keep them fit for the other lads anyway bud ha
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