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Everything posted by mark2007

  1. end of day problem call me son shine whats up cant you afford the dogs
  2. fight the ban your talk shite i was not been all pally you dick every post you do is bitching grow up you sad twat..
  3. pmsl you make me laugh the bitch was sold as a good working bitch and has produced some f*****g cracking working dogs lads end of days some lads get their dogs for free some lads pay for good tackle end of day ....Not been funny lads but end of day the lad is happy as larry with her i even tried to get her back...end of day the lads that have posted all you do is go on here and doing nothing but bitch about other lads why dont you just get on with your own stuff its a hunting forum not a bitching forum the advert was from beging of last year ,,,,god sad
  4. good luck with pup pal parents look spot on pal
  5. cracking dog pal good luck with her pal
  6. hope you get them back pal and hope the twats that took them get what they deserve pal
  7. give me till tuesday lads for list having to go back to get full list tuesday morning for you all that pm me
  8. your more then welcome to come see pal then you can say what you want pal thanks for comments of other lads
  9. pmsl bitch is over 5 years and dog is over 2 years old pal
  10. Gone threw books so some can go now no longer used would sell or trade on ..badger books and patterdale books to add to my collection cheers parsons & jack russels terriers £15 including postage bull terriers & miniature bull terrier 4 books £25 including postage manstopper £15 including postage bulldogs £20 including postage staffordshire bull terriers £25 including postage pm me for details on books cracking books
  11. some lads pay a fortune for their dogs and have fortunes in them its every one to their own
  12. Right boys and girls selling dry food all types i will get price list up next few days but if you have any preference of foods pm me and ill sort price i will deliver in west yorkshire or can meet for lads further away i will beat prices any where bulk orders welcome also other bits ie puppy food ferret food raw meat
  13. mark2007


    cheers pal book arrived just been to collect it spot on pal cheers again
  14. my dog is wheeler dog pal strong as a ox
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