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Everything posted by mark2007

  1. im in halifax west yorkshire mate
  2. for sale only now ive got a new dog so to a good home he is not a house dog at all just a kennel dog
  3. sorry mate i only have the one which i use my self mate but ill see a mate who has one for you leave it with me mate ill get back to you at tea time mate
  5. Ive got a ford transit 2.5 diesel in red 89,000 miles runs mint drives fine good old transit has security locks fitted on slide door and rear door has stereo fitted tax till end of september and mot till july 09 the arches are a bit ruth ive put tape over them to stop any sharp edges has a massive roof rack also i have fitted 4 seats in back with factory fitted seat belts can be removed if you require that also fitted tow bar,, has a boiler attached to engine with pipes into back of van that works like a kettle but ive not tried it THE CAGE IS IN NOT INCLUDED IN THE BACK OF THE VAN has all
  6. not mardy but whats the point of coming on a hunting forum to do nothing but slag people of no point at all need to grow up
  7. earth and hounds all you do is go on adverts and slag peoples stuff of why dont you go and get a life mate other wise ring me 07596296294 the tackle is brand new and most is still sealed the reels wer bought from fishing tackle shop in halifax and still wrapped and sealed mate so if you are not buying grow up and leave peoples adverts alone we have better things to do then deal with childish people that having nothing to do but slag peoples stuff of your just another pc warrier and just so you no the tackle is on hold for a lad on here so grow up
  8. yes mate had a lad on here email me today for swap or cash sale just waiting for reply back mate thanks for asking
  9. hows it strange the dog will work with other dogs but wont live with them some dogs like that mate just i dont have space any more for a separate kennel mate good dog for some one
  10. would you send it if i sent a carrier to pick it up mate also can you get me the size of cage and pm them to me cheers
  11. My bro is getting rid of aload of tackle most of it is new apart from rods they are a bit new but all the boxed tackle is new and not used at all their is 3 telescopic rods also one kids rod and a massive 12 foot rod old but a good rod also included is a sea fishing rod has a bit of paint speckles on but a good rod will clean up we are in halifax west yorkshire he is after a air gun,,pm me with details ON HOLD
  12. end of the day kreet ive been doing bull breeds for 10 years now and know all about the breeds mate end of the day the dogs hips are fine just the pic ill get some more pics when i can why dont you just post on stuff you want instead of coming on peoples adverts and then you would not get all the shite you get lad hey
  13. well to start of the garden is not a mess it has kids toys all over the yard if you look close also as for dog in a bad state lmfao the dog is mint and has some one with him most of the time they have 4 kids and as for you kreet you are the biggest dog peddler on here so you can go off mate you dont have a clue. my dogs here get worked hard lad if you are not interested in the dog dont post quite simply boys dog is fine hips spot on as for condition of him he would out work most bulldogs kreet you want to bring your dog of your week down lad bring him down lets see him work the do
  14. we would of took him to put in with other pony but we are in halifax west yorkshire to far to come down if you wer up this way i would of had him
  15. the dogs hips are spot on mate he is in perfect condition mate and is as strong as a ox mate he is well bred and info on ped will be given to those who buy him mate
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