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Richard Morgan

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Everything posted by Richard Morgan

  1. it was a tosser for me between wheaton/whippet and beddy/whippet i like the look of the wheatons and could of getting hold of one about a year ago it was 2 years old though and after reading both breeds where headstrong i decided to wait for a pup when the time was right i couldnt get hold of one for love nor money so settled on a beddy who knows in the future i like the natural fire of the breeds without the bull.
  2. gb the uk whatever u want to call it has become a people ruled by the minority and the upper class unfortunately this will lead to further persecution of the workingman and his past times hunting with dogs is now headed in a downward spiral i have never worked terriers nor never will as i prefer bushing and coursing but the working terrierman and lurcherman unfortunately is now a bygone era my uncle worked his own sealyham terriers for twenty years on various game the problem is not the sport or the people that enjoy it,its the general public half of which didnt grow up in this rich heritage o
  3. i went for a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy, but i have growen up and watched umtean on and it all depends some are fast,good turners,able to read the rabbit,excellent strikers depends on the dog a lad i spoke to the other week asked me what dog i had i told him a beddy he said pre ban of course hed seen one run hare against a saluki/collie/grey and first 100 meters it was fantastic but after that it was embarrassing to watch as i said my main quarry was rabbits for me i got a dog that was 100-200 meters merchant but depends on land and what cross suits yourself.
  4. i dont know if this is in the right section but does anyone know a lurcherman from the north east moved up to scotland about 15 years ago called paul yard no stupid comments please genuine reason for post if yes pm thank you.
  5. Cheers mate - His first season so can't wait Quite weird being a lass who loves going out rabbiting and ferreting lol from the look of him he should do very well whatever u enjoy happy hunting
  6. saluki cross looks a really nice dog atb
  7. combine the three and youve got youre dog mate collie/saluki/grey few dogs can do everything the most complete lurchers ive seen.
  8. you dont need bull for gameness any dog can be game get them a rat at 12mth after that most dogs are away.
  9. looks a really nice dog mate should be a good season i like the breeding as well atb.
  10. on the stella tonight different tunes like have a goodan
  11. ive seen two brandy-23 inches deer at 7 mth hares/foxs deerhound/collie/grey,saidy-25 inches saluki/collie/grey deer/foxs/hares both dogs took all game regularly over 15 year period both me fathers dogs had others but never made the grade.
  12. nice dogs mate cant half she the difference between the one with a bit grey in it.
  13. once theyve had a feral one they never look back the ones i grew up with hated the things.
  14. me fathers whippet/red merle/saluki not the same but similar 10 mth in picture hed just getting her 18mth now looks a different dog ill put a pic up later shaping up nice clever as eggs.
  15. bought one the other day 15 quid came open getting over a fence then next to the road needless to say went back to the shop and got a rope lead for walking just use some blue rope off the sites i think complete waste of money.
  16. nice picture hopefully that will be my little lad in another 4 years excellent to see. get him out now..mines been fishing and ferretting for years, he had his 1st cod aged 3 and has 14 troutmaster badges but he's developing a likeness for dark nights and the wind in his face.............just the little sod can run faster than me our lass ad kill as theirs time yet though
  17. nice picture hopefully that will be my little lad in another 4 years excellent to see.
  18. do u think if a tighter rain was brought on hunting with the introduction of a licence and stricter controls the ban on other game could be lifted to a degree thoughts please.
  19. dance- what ever happened to metallica,nirvana,bush etc real music.
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