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Richard Morgan

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Everything posted by Richard Morgan

  1. air arms s410 magazine and silencer prefer a hw one pm me cheers.
  2. cant really speak for the wheatons but a very similar line terrierx i dont feel u get the same dog for me without the collie thats the only x ive seen work if my beddy makes a decent rabbiter by four ill put him over a colliex
  3. could have had one 2 and a half about three month before i pitched my tent it was a wheaton/greyhound firstx very nice looking dog both breeds are headstrong so went for a pup i will say one thing mate if i had my time over he would definetly have some collie in their just a suggestion atb.
  4. ive got a beddy but as going to the source to breed working wise i think the wheaton is your best bet i also considered both breeds and found the beddy suited me best atb
  5. id keep the pup mate if thats what you want hand signals and other methods can surely be used ive seen many different signals used to turn a dog onto something and call it back in for another slip a good handler can make a decent dog if the time and effort are put in atb mate.
  6. get the hw 100k mate no offense meant to mole as that does look a cracking gun to be honest bsa are not in the same league for me ive owned a lightning,hornet and me da just put a superten in the shop i do like the look of the r10 but have heard mixed reviews if you can get hold of a hw 100 mk2 (lighter) i dont think it can really be bettered.
  7. im gonna get a couple hw ones next week mate or sooner the shop i went to the other day didnt have the adaptor in stock for tx200 i was shooting the s410 last night about 50 pellets through it and its not that bad either but id rather have the silencers i think atb
  8. i love the spring guns but for quietness you cant really get past the air ones mate just a stroke of luck really skot mate mind you it has been ten year or their abouts since i owned a one my how ive missed it the missues hasnt like
  9. hes put it back in the shop the guys gonna fit a new trigger and mag before he sells it on me da said it was a very accurate gun just i think the cocking put him off.
  10. well guys went for silencer and came out with s410 carbine and a safe, managed to get up on permission with it tonight quiet nice gun actually think i prefer the tx200 hc although early days yet ones gonna be a lamping gun and the other a day gun think am all set now.
  11. it is tx200 hc with the two way thread mate il give it a try and see how it turns out cheers
  12. id still like the silencer mate all the same yesterday morning i must admit it wasnt to bad in the field on the job i havent tryed this mind thanks for advice davyt ill give it a go atb
  13. i might pop through my local two canny shops round here see what they have to offer if the air arms silencer does the same job for less all the better i bought the gun as i thought it stood up well to the hw97 buying english can sometimes be a good thing its been a while since i could say that cheers for replys lads atb.
  14. is it as good as hw and i think its a similar price mate plus i dont think he stocks it as standard would have to wait a week or more i know that sounds crap but i do like hw stuff
  15. mines a 22 simon its got a threaded end the lad in the shop gave me all the speal about the little plastic sound moderator that comes as standard it would be an adaptor onto a hw silencer its not a loud gun as such i might try and hang on to my 70 quid for now an see how it goes
  16. cheers mate not to twangy but still abit much of a crack off the gun will be worth the investment then atb
  17. will a silencer make a major difference to a spring gun in this case the tx200 as thinking of getting a hw one and adaptor tomorrow not cheap however would it be worth the investment cheers.
  18. brother had one eight years ago brilliant gun im a spring gun man everytime but everytime we went out i couldnt help but be impressed.
  19. cheers mate think it might be the magazine shearing the pellets somehow back to the shop i think thanks for vid mate
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