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Richard Morgan

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About Richard Morgan

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 11/12/1982

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  • Location
    north east

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  1. saluki x greyhound out on the lamp last night fist time picked up third time of asking needs work on recall but coming on well.
  2. great pics wirral i was out for a similar walk round yesterday amazing what a good brushing dog does for a casual walk not such a good end through as me fathers dog had caught itself on a fence resulting in a knee trembling 277 pound bill.
  3. i have a salukixgreyhound with a little bit of pointer in it should suit my needs at the end of the day a lurcher is a tool to be used for a job and i dont have the space for three it might sound heartless but thats the reality.
  4. no i know the lad who i got the dog off.
  5. the dog went to a family member a twenty plus year terrierman as a pet who will keep the dog all its life i found from what i saw over the times i went out i thought a greyhound cross would better suit me if id mainly been ferreting id have stuck with the dog it wasnt something i did lightly
  6. Having growen up with running dogs last year i felt the urge and took the plung on a lurcher i opted for a beddyxwhippet three quarter on the whippet side so the dog would have plenty of pace after a light season with the dog more of an introduction to the game and for myself also i came to the conclusion the breed wasnt for me faced with a difficult decision i sourced another pup with the intention of keeping the dog as although i didnt see a complete lurcher in him he was a very good dog lighting quick off the mark could turn on a six pence clean as a whistle stock broken and cracking temp/
  7. brilliant to see i only wish i had pics of me fathers lost generation well done atb
  8. my beddy got his third rabbit off a run in the hedge tonight straight back to hand proud as punch i like abit of drive in a dog was out lamping couple of weeks ago with an experienced dog it got two out hedgerows they all tally up i wouldnt discourage it atb
  9. had my first proper night out on the lamp three weeks ago a good night got ten only eight in picture i know anyway took my little beddy along for his first time gave him afew slips and iam pleased with what i saw the other two dogs ranged from 22-25 inches my beddy accounted for none of the rabbits but did well for his first night having read through the topic i find my beddy to be a well rounded lurcher hes taking to ferreting/daytime mooching/lamping quiet well i must admit i think abit of height and brains wouldnt hurt but on the whole i see a decent lurcher in the making atb.
  10. 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy nearly 7mth
  11. its already been said my young beddy has had his moments of madness but has learned quickly sheep are a no no hes not bomb proof but very good for a youngan my spaniel on the other hand has never shown any interest in them fantastic dont be afraid to get the pup in among them mate atb.
  12. sounds like a good night no offense intend but 73 in one night its a long year mate snipe sounds like hes been a goodan in his day to be getting that kind of bag at 12 if you can get them kind of numbers all year best of luck and have a good season.
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