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Everything posted by crorider

  1. depends what on but generally doubled up he wont put much effort in but will pretty much always be the dogs that picks up.
  2. cheers mate, the littleun still having some funny courses and always puts a few bunnies in the bag. Hasn't yapped at all this season but I don't think he's ever gona retrieve.
  3. Here he is, the white dog with my mates dog. Sire was 3/8 5/8 deer grey a and mum was coursing bred saluki x
  4. The pup I've brought on this season is proving to be everything I could wish for in a running dog so far. At 11 months you wouldn't of dreamt of slipping him, all legs and no speed. But at 12 months he was suddenly picking up rabbits for fun. Over the course of the season I've taken him out with all of my mates dogs and apart from 1 or 2 nights when there's been nothing out, he's always caught St least double what the other dogs have. The point of the topic is that even though he always catches at least double what the other dogs do, it looks as though he's getting lucky, getting easy run
  5. bet it wouldn't be a bad mouching dog, bit of bushing and marking. Wouldn't fancy waiting for it to come back after a slip once it got on a scent though
  6. Yea he'd make you laugh if you see him run aswell. Like I said he ain't the best but he's nowhere near the worst either. He's definitely the most fun. He's so well matched with a good rabbit that some of them look like a hare being coursed, he boxes and turns them for about 30 seconds sometimes its so funny to watch. He catches more than my collie whippet but doesn't compete with my other pup
  7. The dog in my avatar is a 16 tts chorkie x whippet. Had over rabbits in his first season which ain't bad at all for where I was going. He's not the best rabbit dog I've seen cos he just ain't got the legs to close the gap on the still and clear nights when you can't get a close slip. But hes been out with a lot of dogs and shown a fair few right up. Nice small fields with firm ground. You could do a lot worse if all you're after is rabbits, saying that though he'd have a go at anything I let him try.... the worst thing about him is no matter how much training I give him he won't retrieve
  8. So basically if you're not pushing your dog anywhere near it's limits there's no reason you couldn't work it night after night after night. But give it a real long night of hard graft and it would benefit more from a break than it would another night of the same.
  9. Seen loads of dogs get cramp including my own. Only seen one hit the deck with it. They usually just hold their leg up and you can actually see the spasm of the muscle. Ok Maybe more like a footballer than a bodybuilder but it's the same basic principle. A footballer can train all week whilst improving strength and fitness but they need at least a day off after a match. And that's not due to cardio it's muscle fatigue
  10. A dog running is cardiovascular. Not quite ripping the muscles like a body builder does. I don't think we were talking about running a dog until it drops. I certainly wouldn't want to do that 3/4/5 nights running. It's a combination of both. When you have your dog fit it's not cardio that fails. All lurchers and sighthounds sprint repeatedly during a nights lamping no matter what you're running. If your dog is fit a short break will recharge it's lungs. But if their muscles have built up lactic acid to the point where they've slowed down drastically then that's that for the night. If a dog r
  11. Every dog has it's limits. When we go lamping we only really stop when the dogs can't take anymore. Even on the second night of that their form drops. If you run your dog 3,4,5 nights on the trot to it's limits you won't be doing it any good. Mammals muscles all work the same. If they don't get enough recovery period you get muscle wastage. Ask any body builder
  12. Cheers bootsha definitely be getting myself a bottle of that. Personally don't think you can beat staples but can't use them in certain areas
  13. I'll give that liquid weld stuff a try next time then
  14. My pup cut his stopper bad a month ago. Tried gluing it a few times but only lasted a couple of hours Everytime.. not sure why. I've used it on other cuts a few times and it's worked fine but it's not as good as staples. Can't really usr them on a stopper tho. It's taken the best part of a month to heal without the glue holding but it's pretty much there now
  15. Pups first couple of runs last night after nearly a month off with a cut stopper. Time off seems to have made him use his head more. Couple of decent courses getting on for a minute couldnt fault him he ran perfectly and showed the other dogs up. 2 out of 2. Reckon he's shaping up to be my dog of a lifetime
  16. Just thought I'd say my collie whippet is a different dog this season. He's doing things I never thought he'd be capable of doing, the overshooting is pretty much non existent now, he's fitter and faster than he's ever been and I couldn't be happier with him. Only thing wrong is his retrieve has turned to shit. Used to be perfect. I think it's down to taking him out with other dogs. Just the occasional doubled up run seems to have ruined his retrieve but it's no big deal to me. Does everything else I could ask of him
  17. Theres some f****n idiots on here. Just cos you've never seen it yourself it means it's not true? I've spent all last season and the past couple of months driving hundreds of miles running my dogs with dozens of different people in dozens of different places. Flick a lamp on the right field in parts of Norfolk, suffolk, Lincolnshire, Hampshire and probably loads of other places and it's not uncommon to see 30 odd. I was with con the other night and there were easily 50 and it was pretty small field with fresh green shoots about 10 inches long. The wind was howling and they were squatting yards
  18. That's a really nice looking dog dekaw. What's he like in the field?
  19. Giving mine a real test in a bit. Wish me luck
  20. You will soon enough con. Car breaking down couldnt of come at a worse time could it
  21. Cheers field Marshall I'm more than pleased with him, think he's just shy of 25tts but thats big enough for me. Especially after what I've seen from him so far this season. Been out with him twice and he's shocked me and both my mate's that have seen himaswell. IvE seen him playing about with other dogs coursing them and running the lure and stuff but he didn't look anything special if you know what I mean. If anything looked a bit slow but it just goes to show that play is nothing to go by cos he was a different dog when he see his first rabbit. Rapid and tuning like a dog half his size. Has
  22. Yea definitely get too many at night. It's so much harder to catch in fields full of them. They always seem to know exactly where they're going and don't feck about. That's probably why there's so many of them in those particular fields cos they can easily find their way out
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