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About boa950

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 17/05/1994

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  • Gender
  • Location
    county durham
  • Interests
  1. ineed if a decent size dog kennel for 3 lurchers has anyone got one i could buy thanks..
  2. What's people's views on lamping with a saluki?
  3. boas standing at 24 inch would love to meet the rest of the litter do you know any one that has got one from the litter? and cheers mate
  4. hes a beauty whats he standing at now and he is coming on well
  5. for sale logun s16 mk1 .22 comes with hawke hd sport mill dot 6x12x50 scope, silencer, buffaloe river bag, webley stirrup pump, filling adapter and a tin of accupell £400 o.n.o
  6. okay pal and about a month ago and how tall is jack now, boa is 22in tts
  7. thinks shes about 29 weeks
  8. how old are they now j dog and do use think she has worms because she greeds all the time??
  9. wanted dog kennel/shed (6x4)
  10. can anyone get hold of the jabs for pups??
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