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Everything posted by AXUM

  1. So why do you go and live in predominantly white countries then? Stop trolling and turning this into a race thing.. and immigration issue.Stick to topic .. " mod" I think saying you'd rather not live next to white people is a race thing you stupid racist. It's like me going to live in some 3rd world african shithole then moaning about the blacks next door. I bet they'd rather not live next to you either. White people in sourh africa moan bout blacks.. and create their own white only ghettos Its not a race thing, its just that most of them they are nosey.. Like indians sm
  2. So why do you go and live in predominantly white countries then? Stop trolling and turning this into a race thing.. and immigration issue. Stick to topic .. " mod"
  3. I actually prefer not to have white neighbours next to my property.. colored people they mind their own business but white people always nosey c**ts..
  4. Alright enough talking bout me.. back to topic .. bloody hell lol obsessed with me u folks, lol
  5. Im sure your world would be better place .. my world of 1.2 billion muslim would rather you dead then me.
  6. Welshie can be classified as one.. He snitched on me.. Hes a mod, someone gets really abusive to me so i dont wanna ruin thread and start a fight i keep it civil and report his post to mods Comes the mod ???!!! And says axum reports you to us mods. This forum doesnt encourage abusive behaviours.. and if mods not gonna delete posts then i have right to not read such post about me and have it deleted and member gets warned Apparantly welshie doesnt agree with that.. he even liked the post where that fella said are you gonna report me again for being racist.. really.. maybe admi
  7. is it not too cold over here for you Didnt your ancestors come from africa .. then populated europe
  8. Well i didnt see that coming lolWhy don't you report me for racism ...again . Oh no he,s not one of them is he !.......must admit i dont have a problem with folk like him or desertman they are just defending their own as we all should its just another example of why we shouldn't be forced to live together in my opinion......but snitching nah no excuse for that.....that's a weak person in any language or religion. You dont know what snitching means. I cant be a snitch because i wasnt with him or part of the racist group and th3n turned on him to the mods.. im the one who he was being racis
  9. Or free minded lol I speak arabic .. was born in saudi.. know islam well.. im sunni.
  10. Here comes my friends lol You guy really love me hahaha
  11. Well i didnt see that coming lol Why don't you report me for racism ...again . Smile Stop being negative lol
  12. Well i didnt see that coming lol
  13. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gMvuM8htlF4
  14. I have had good jewish friends in my martial art. Also some were zionists and so i dont befriend them
  15. What kind of Muslim are you ? afraid of what ,? Whats the worst that can happen you die better to Die as a Muslim than as a Muttahid You would deny the Legacy of your Father and GrandFather your family must feel really proud of you if they read your comment. if a man lives a life as a coward and bows to tyrrany and terror then may be his life is over .anyway, it kicked off now our own wee private muslim war on the huntinglife he is same age as my dad so I respect his words as a muslim elder.I fear many a suicide bomber was created this way. have you ever met a jihadist ? you seem to know a
  16. What kind of Muslim are you ? afraid of what ,? Whats the worst that can happen you die better to Die as a Muslim than as a Muttahid You would deny the Legacy of your Father and GrandFather your family must feel really proud of you if they read your comment. if a man lives a life as a coward and bows to tyrrany and terror then may be his life is over .anyway, it kicked off now our own wee private muslim war on the huntinglife he is same age as my dad so I respect his words as a muslim elder.I fear many a suicide bomber was created this way. have you ever met a jihadist ? you seem to
  17. What kind of Muslim are you ? afraid of what ,? Whats the worst that can happen you die better to Die as a Muslim than as a Muttahid You would deny the Legacy of your Father and GrandFather your family must feel really proud of you if they read your comment. if a man lives a life as a coward and bows to tyrrany and terror then may be his life is over .anyway, it kicked off now our own wee private muslim war on the huntinglife he is same age as my dad so I respect his words as a muslim elder.
  18. I just want to clarify again, I don't hate muslims, especially as individuals. I want them out of Western countries simply because they cause too much trouble and that is not going to change. I actually think in the long run kicking them out or helping them migrate to islamic countries would be better for decent muslims too, because as you say if it comes down to war things will be much messier.Hope the country will have foxes to hunt lol I think if ww3 was bout islam and mass persecution of us and deportation dont be surprise if israel side with us.. more then usa or uk gov or communist int
  19. Im starting to think its better for my kids to be christian or atheiest for their survival.. not safe to be muslim anymore
  20. Those who hate muslims want them out of europe.. only ww3 could provide the opportinity
  21. I see a world wide persectuion of muslim families in next 50 years and the rise of hitler like leaders. Next world war is bout islam. You could just read thr views of the people in youtube and forums and facebook.. so much hate If anti muslim groups get control of leadership then we are f****d if they dont any rise up willbe squashed by gov forces.. As long as western forces are in muslim countries it will sadly continue.. then you have caliphate supporters and movement.. Muslims be ready next world war if its china vs usa then even muslim issue willl be brought up and gov wi
  22. what a load of Tosh. In Islam it is encumbant on Muslims that follow the Faith to Eaarn there own living. Yhe benefit system in Islam iscalled Bayt ul Mal the sick, the orphans and the Widows are the only ones who are supported by the state.. Islamic society is actively encouraged to have an extended family system where the old the sick those without income are supported within the family group. Well this is not islamic society is it, so I guess the rules change. Have you ever heard of muslims having different rules for infidels?I should add my own mother and a few other people I know very we
  23. End of day i just hope islam reforms for it to survive another century.. and it begins in saudi and iran. Amazing to think that if middle east didnt exist then I as a black man and white english members here would be worshipping native gods. Actually the world would be happier place.. then we will focus on communism lol
  24. She could have left the iron on.... Burnt a hole in your plus fours She better not have or she will have something to look worried about. Really.. now you making threat to a terror victim.. !
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