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About AXUM

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Sound like a bit of a sympathiserWhat a load of f***ing comic book heroes LOL im sure Muslims are quaking in their sandals notMake it 2 sympathisers Do you realise you just claimed you are a jihadist sympathiser? Or did you mistake the meaning? You are treading on very dangerous ground here... Db sided with innocent muslim immigrant in europe.. and for that he was called a sympathizer. So i thought eay he didnt say anything wrong.. sympathizing with muslim civilizing is a crime now ? Read what desertbred.. there was no mention or hint bout isis or any terrorist. Unless i read it wron. A
  2. Can you show me where i said im a jihadi sympathizer..
  3. Sound like a bit of a sympathiserWhat a load of f***ing comic book heroes LOL im sure Muslims are quaking in their sandals notMake it 2 sympathisers Do you realise you just claimed you are a jihadist sympathiser? Or did you mistake the meaning? You are treading on very dangerous ground here... Db sided with innocent muslim immigrant in europe.. and for that he was called a sympathizer. So i thought eay he didnt say anything wrong.. sympathizing with muslim civilizing is a crime now ? Read what desertbred.. there was no mention or hint bout isis or any terrorist. Unless i read it wro
  4. To my muslim people in poland https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KfXIF2Mm2Kc
  5. Sound like a bit of a sympathiser What a load of f***ing comic book heroes LOL im sure Muslims are quaking in their sandals not Make it 2 sympathisers
  6. Majority of people who are far right conservative. But left wing liberal , they will be the first to be converted to islam
  7. AXUM

    Decoding Demons

  8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zgQpLWDsXHI
  9. Lets not forget spain and south france were muslim countries for 700 years
  10. All immigrants? Even you? Do I as a white Christian European live in a country that isn't traditionally white Christian European then?........So all Muslim immigrants then?Is Islam the tradition beleife system in which most of what we recognise as white Western Europe was founded ?Is Islam a traditionally white European beleife system? There are european countries where islam is the religion of the natives. In east europe that is
  11. They want to take credit for it': Experts are skeptical of ISIS' claim it downed a Russian aircraft https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/isis-claim-on-russia-plane-crash-doubts-2015-11
  12. The reason why is they are scum and brainwashed cu##s.And you allways have something to say to back them up. You weird fecker. I always have something to back isis.. lol you f***ing kidding me.. please do show me with quote where i back them up. They sure are scum and brainwashed but im not buying it that isis did this.. it doesnt make sense. Either its an inside job or isis leaders dont know how to design strategy to achieve their goals. Even inside job doesnt make sense. I think its a hate attack by egyptian muslim extremist..
  13. Why would isis attack egyptian christians .. their priority is anti islamists egyptian gov, they have no business with the minority christians. Any how this is a timeline of attacks in egypt.. http://www.usdivetravel.com/T-EgyptTerrorism.html
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