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About Johnny5

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Great read and pictures, all your dogs look great but i really like the looks of the white and brindle one
  2. I was told the pat was created or recreated by adding pit bull.
  3. I would have them play with something else chase something else other than each other.maybe they can learn to problem solve together or work as a team. Lhave them together also in places where their not using their prey drive on one another. It most likely is them just playing and playing in that fashion could really help tone their skill and body for that type of action
  4. Not shure evo is as good as it use to be. It was bought out by someone else.
  5. If you feed trip make shure its the green kind not the white. And make shure their is nothing in the tripe the animal ate.My dog does much better on raw than kibble. The best kibble i feed for my dog was evo herring and Salmon.feed by weight or eye not buy how much someone tells you.on the gain 28 thread i posted one of the ways i feed raw
  6. the color of the pigment in the nose means nothing its not a blood line it means nothing.
  7. And also when getting my bitch in shape or putting her in a keep i feed once a day about ten minutes after. She cools down from the work out this is when they are going to burn the most fat this also insures she will be empty before i work her and you want to time the workout the same time as the hunt by being empty she works harder longer with out getting hot as fast so if you hunt at so walk to empty work cool down feed that what works for me.rf1 vertex peak performance two and k9 superfuel some like them some dont
  8. Feck me lad have you even added parsley lol i feed different for different results the feed in the pic is about a pound of raw chicke n leg and thigh or 1/4 what every you want to call it i change protein and oil sources sometimes some say you should do it often. Also has broccoli mustered. Greens kale and baby carrots you have to brake down the cellulose wall because tme dog stomach cant i then mix it with plain yogurt their is also liver veat and gizzards i add water because it seem the dog doesn't drink as much water when eating raw and sometimes i will add rf1 i do feed kibble from ti
  9. Never seen these dog foods how do your guy dogs do on raw
  10. Thanks everyone, toma she's a rbjtb cross mainly tomstone and bolio. She pure fire and wouldn't want it any other way. great dog and love every second with her.fruittus you must be a good shooter i like it in ohio been here for about two years but was born and rasied in Florida
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