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Everything posted by reecemurg

  1. nice mate ,, i cba to do the bolt and stuff so i just used a rubber band from an inner tube and it worked a treat
  2. nice gun mate ,, but that barrel looks beat to shizz lol
  3. haha ,, there are plenty more where they came from ,, gotta make the most of what ya got as i have no permissions haha Permissions come in all shapes and sizes, from gardens to acres of cereal land, the thing is to just enjoy what you have, some of my smaller permissions are the most enjoyable, one of my most visited is a small 70mtr square paddock with a hawthorn hedge round it, there must be kilo's of chipped off paint plinked from my knock down targets deposited on it, its just a nice quiet place to be, and I can park my car behind me to fill my guns from my bottle, or listen to a
  4. haha ,, there are plenty more where they came from ,, gotta make the most of what ya got as i have no permissions haha
  5. went to my grans for a bit od duck for me dinner,, decided to take the scorpion round too as there have been a few rats running about . on arrival a big plump winged rat perched itself on an old silver birch in the garden,, so i slowly creeked open the doors and steadied my crosshairs between the shoulder area on the pigeon.. i would have gone for a head shot but it was concealed by a branch.. so i steadied my breathing and let the .22 accupell fly !! thwak !! one pigeon down,, the birdy was dead before it fell from the branch,, after this i had my duck and a nice peice of crumble for dessert
  6. hello all , im currently choosing which course to do in college and the gamekeeping or countryside management are becoming my top 2 ,, im just wondering whether there are any keepers in dorset that wouldnt mind me working for 2 days a week as an apprentice,, this would mean i could attend the keepering course at kingston mauward college. im 16 if that makes any difference any help would be great !! even if it is just to gain some experience in what the job is really like. many thanks, Reece
  7. gamekeeping college interview today :D

    1. reecemurg


      got into the college fairly easily which i was suprised at !! :D

    2. R.A.W


      work hard fella. well done

    3. reecemurg
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. hi mate i dont suppose u would be interested in a bsa scorpion se ?? was new in sept 2012
  9. nice shooting mate !! looks like your set for a while
  10. get rid of all the blueing and do it all again i recon but i may be wrong
  11. i would also have to say springer ,, for those who have them how much would a sfs tuned hw97kt cost me ?
  12. would u consider px this for my bsa scorpion se .22 that was new in september 2012 ??
  13. u can attach flats the same way u have the elastic now mate
  14. try looking for a crosman ratcatcher mate ,, similar to this pistol but a rifle version
  15. would u be interested in a bsa scorpion se .22 mate ?
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