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Everything posted by weeandra

  1. Been given a new source for this dog food does any you guys in Ireland use it been using sneyeds wonder dog the source says feed well is better any thoughts
  2. Does the guy from heartbreak fell still breed if so what are his dogs like
  3. Is that the same guy from heartbreak fell kennels or has he stopped breeding
  4. Ive another dog in the kennel with just a dash o deerhound but it is nothing like this fecker
  5. The sire is dave platts first x deerhound greyhound the mother is collie whippet beddy she stands 25 inch taking her out locally shes spot on took her to my permission thursday night must have waited an hour all in then she comes in as if done nothing wrong had dogs 30 odd years this one takes the biscuit it will need to change or it will be gone
  6. Ive owned lurchers for 30 odd years now and the bitch i have just now must have tried my patients the most shes 13 months done every thing with her nice n steady never once been hit a dont no how had her lamping the other night must have waited an hour on her finally coming to hand as if nothing dont know if its the deerhound and bedlington in her if it doesnt improve its safe to say she wont be here
  7. Daz it must be something to do with us ayrshire boys i have a young dog 13month she likes to throw a deaf ear when prey about what age is your bitch looks quite like mine
  8. Cant remember exactly mate but it was something to do with the muscles around the fandango starting to close as they get older
  9. A vet told me not to breed from a bitch after 7 if its her first litter
  10. On the lookout for new wellies some people tell me grubs are better than muckboots and vice versa any body any prefrances cheers
  11. A scan will set you back about 30quid its usually 4weeks before a vet will do it. It puts your mind at rest but its never accurate
  12. Try hyperdrug mate they have everything nice and cheap
  13. Dont think i would be letting any of my dogs run single handed at twelve months but every one to there own i suppose
  14. Have these people who hunt in summer wont even have the brains to check the dogs for knocked up toes or injuries when the ground is so hard
  15. Have kept lurchers for 30 odd years and never had a booster only thing you would need to worry about is putting the dogs in kennels they wont take them unless you show theyve been boostered only a con mate
  16. The bed is raised off the ground bud
  17. It is doing ma head in trying my patience though
  18. Put a roof over sleeping area so she couldnt stand never worked i will try reducing sleeping area
  19. A would say shes slightly nervous but shes been great in every other way ie stockbroken , jumping ect
  20. Ive got her on shredded paper just now had her on one of those kennelmate beds fed up washing it
  21. Hi lads any views would be grateful i have a 7month lurcher bitch who for some reason will not stop pissing her bed shes walked 3 or 4times a day has access to her run all day but she still does it cheers
  22. Hi lads any views would be grateful i have a 7 month bitch pup who for some reason has hardly missed a day or night pissing her bed ive more or less tried everything shes walked 3or 4times a day has access to her run all day and night but still pisses her bed cheers
  23. id be very surprised if vets do it free of charge
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