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Everything posted by GOBSHITE

  1. Just had my licence revoked for not sending it in to get 3 points on, i had to send a cheque for £50 to cover costs ?? The funny thing is they sent my licence back (with the points) but sent me a cheque for £50 from their account ??
  2. Sorry coonboy, i couldn't help myself , i could fill a book with the stunts he's pulled and done.
  3. A lying cheating full of shit, shit producing, puppy pedlin fool who'll sell shit to anyone who calls has pulled a fast one "WTF", i'de never of beleived it lol.
  4. I personaly wouldn't take any pup that showed aggression, dogs are much the same as people, blow hard gobshite bullies are generaly cowards when it comes down to it, given a choice i would lean towards the quiet pup that neither craves attention or shys away from it. The work should of been done before they were born, the rest is mostly down to personal preferance.
  5. Do you have a pistol or shotgun ? I prefer a .22 myself no noise no mess and a hell of a lot quieter when your terrier is still attached to the game.
  6. I must be missing something............and i probabley wouldn't want to know lol.
  7. It's always worth asking but most lads with working stock will have a stud already in mind if they were going to breed from their bitches. I've been in the same boat mate, keep the dog grafting and if he keeps the work up he'll get bitches being bought to him anyway. The problem you'll have is the quality of bitches with your open offer. You'll only have the owners word for the bitches working ability.
  8. Mooching about whilst on a walk !, now your making sense.
  9. If your happy walking your pup then good luck to ya, i just think most people on here take it all to serious. ATB a lazy git...gobshite
  10. Two pages of utter shite. I've kept a top line of working terriers for twenty odd years and i've had working terriers for the last twenty nine. In all that time i've never given my dogs anymore than a walk around a few feilds behind my house every morning and thats so they can empty out instead of shitting all over my yard. Just what are you doing with these super dogs ? Come summer i'll take them a walk around the block but thats just to settle them down mentaly, come the end of the season they have nothing to keep their heads straight so they will start to fight, not all the time ju
  11. Closed my page today, shame as i could talk to a few good lads for next to nothing this side of the water and the other. I got sick of people talking shite and bigging themselves up "pigs and bambie" !, with fools like that in our ranks who needs anti's.
  12. Had a few over the years that utterley refused work when in season, the same bitches were top notch upto a week before the season and they were usually stupid hard when they were finished. I couldn't say whether it was hormones that made them hard or the 3-4 week lay off. I've even had it with a lurcher, i dug a nice fox in the middle of a huge field and let it bolt out as my mate had dropped me a good fox bitch down. The bitch was soon up on her fox but thats as good as it got, she never pulled it and just plain stood and watched it run off, i was bouncing mad and phoned my mate to tell him
  13. I know that mate but i'de like one of my terriers, it's quality so i'de pay whatever the going rate was. Great presant, your a lucky man.
  14. Dare we ask how much it cost or would that just be rude, pm if it makes like more comfortable.
  15. FD, i know where your coming from, i refuse to sell dogs on the basis of "just becuase youve got a few quid doesn't automatically give you the right to own a dog from my yard". That being said i know a good dog when i see one and if i was unlucky enough to find myself short of a genuin digging terrier there isn't a hill high enough or a price high enough to stop me buying it. I'm lucky enough to have a good yard of terriers and friends whom i "think" would help me out if the need arises. Mind you with all the shit that goes on these days i think i'de try "yet again" to call it a day and knoc
  16. Wish i hadn't seen it, they'll be round with a gallon of unleaded and a silenced .22 :-)
  17. I've bin offered open cheques a few times for terriers, i never took the coin but in the same breath i wouldn't think twice about giving an open cheque either. Just think how many 100 quid terriers youd go threw getting the terrier your after, money and dogs shouldn't go together but like i say theres nothing i wouldn't pay to put me on the right path. LIFES TO SHORT TO SUFFER SHITE.
  18. Cop looked a shit bag to, at the end of the clip he jump expecting one back.
  19. in the good old US of A you can buy a registered Patterdale well i'm very sorry to here that, best they keep buying them from over here then as they'll soon be just another fanny licker.
  20. There's no such thing as a registered Patterdale and long may it stay the same.
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