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Everything posted by GOBSHITE

  1. JD came off last time because i was sick of numpties talking shit through pm's and i was also being asked for pups consantly, i do not breed to sell. The easiest way to throw off a lot of people was to change my name. I don't care if it's true or close to the truth, i still want off. I promiss faithfully not to come on again. I managed for 25 years without it and i'll just have to manage again. Good enough ?
  2.  your ip address changes everytime you log on only your isp will remain the same as i said earlier Haven't a clue what amp, nbsp means ? I'de sooner you pulled the plug full stop, i want no trace of me on here.
  3. No smoke without fire, sick of asking "get me off this site". Please don't insult my intelligence and say don't log on, there would still be my ip address on your server. If it takes legal action then so be it.
  4. Asked to be removed myself but got no sense. If anyone has a way to start legal action to ger my ip address removed off this site please do tell. It came out in court that Ian B allowed access to the RSPCA to pm's.I asked to be removed but once i told them when and where it came out they tared me with the tits that got taken to court, i'm no tit and as far as i'm concerned this site is full of grasses and snakes.
  5. Thats one ugly mut, looks like it was made out of spare parts.
  6. F off number 2.......i'll always be number 1 lol.
  7. Not in the club no, i'm not that dull.
  8. He got no pup from this yard lol. So, you are in the book ? , why go in a book by some one who took coin off of lads to start a border club. That never, ever materialized. The border club came after the book. If i could turn back the clock you wouldn't find me in his book.
  9. He got no pup from this yard lol.


    I charge more for a kitchen lol
  11. How can you lock them with those shite spring loaded bolts on ? I would of thought security would of been top of the list these days
  12. Not long enough, i'de of put it under the sod quicker than Ken lol.
  13. Most of the new are just the old ones being re-spun, polishing turds and re inventing the wheel.
  14. If there's rough coated blood in her it will show even if you use her sire. If it was me i'de forget about coat type and just breed to the best dog you can find, if it's something you've got your heart set on then use a "GOOD" smooth dog and take your time when choosing your pup. Any smooth pups i get in my litters stay smooth for 4 - 5 month then they get a rough coat, knowing your line will give you more of an idea but it all takes time to learn from your mistakes.
  15. You'de have to have a full knowledge of the full family to even hazard a guess, in short "YOU PAYS YOUR MONEY AND TAKES YOUR CHANCES".
  16. I only dug to the dog once, heard many good thing about him, he was to big for me as is his son but i'm more than happy with him and his work.
  17. The dog is now in the happy hunting grounds. His name was Dunbar.
  18. How could it have been skinned ? it's skins still on just the furs slipped.
  19. Those boys must be thick as shit, it was in all the local papers that it was staffordshires rural crime week, where they (plod) were targeting all the local poachers and known rural criminals. If you can't take a hint and stay in the house for a week or two then there's no helping you. Don't know how to put the link up but if you google Rural crime week Staffordshire you'll find it, i think these boys were caught on day one.
  20. I've had a few terriers like this over the years, there's no rhym or reason for it. The only thing you can do is have faith and walk away. The more you spend time trying to coax the terrier out the more pissed off you'll get and the more the terrier will pick up on it. As long as your terrier is stock broken then as i said have faith and walk away. The worst terrier i had with this fault was a bitch i had whilst i was doing terrier work for a pack in Shropshire, she was that bad if i even turned around to shout her when she came out she'd see me facing her and run straight back in, all i coul
  21. Just had a look on their site, no surprises, utter shite. In no way are they workers or "show stock" as stated.
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