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Everything posted by mo_hawk

  1. I'm sure if you do a search on here someone will have claimed responsibility......................And have the relevant condition on his FAC!
  2. When it's a simple choice - them or you and your family, surely not many would roll over and let the scum do whatever they want. Rather than taking the couple out in handcuffs, they should've carried them out on their shoulders and presented them with the biggest f***ing medal possible!
  3. They expired at the end of may i did ring up and ask could i be sent a temp letter out and was told in a polite way we ain't got time for all that if we did that it would take even longer to get new certificates sent out So basically, after you doing everything required by law in order to renew your certificates, unless you've signed your guns and ammunition over to another certificate holder or RFD, your police force is allowing you to hold weapons illegally......... The mind boggles!
  4. Funny I only seem to remember one of us on the Fell glued to Michael Nicholson's coat tails watching hounds the other was in a pub car park sat in a truck with the heater on picking broken bits of pink champagne bottle out of their hair Absolute bollocks, that says more about you and your dogs than anything else Again more shit! But you obviously have absolutely no respect for a fellow dogman who has worked hard to gain permission and who respects his land, his deer, his rabbits etc because you feel that you have some right to take what's his based on the grounds th
  5. I couldn't agree more, It's far too long, and some forces are much worse than others, but there's not much we can do about it.
  6. As long as your certificates haven't expired yet, don't worry. If they have or are about to expire then you need a temporary certificate.
  7. Well you think guns are better than dogs, I have both and my dogs come out a hell of a lot more than my guns :laugh: same here Well you think guns are better than dogs, I have both and 'my dogs come out a hell of a lot more than my guns' Because dogs are less efficient?? and therefore require a hell of a lot more time to put the same numbers in the bag ...........
  8. Not wanting to pour water on your fire, but be careful when they're older as they can (more likely will) be nasty buggers. And I'd definitely keep kids away from them. I've still got the scars from the last one I reared (over 40 years ago), to prove what they can be like - One minute docile, lapping up your affection, the next a ball of fury, kicking, biting and scratching.
  9. To save on tunnel materials! TBH though, if it works and he's happy with the set up, that's all that matters
  10. Some very interesting reading on this site . And a lot of people with faaaaarrrrr too much time on their hands!
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