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Everything posted by Rabbitbolter

  1. Show them the bottle soon pick it up
  2. Tried the job and told him he needs doing up still not having it.lol been to gun shop and her got a new hw 95k in 177 I had one befor and loved it but that's 250 for gun only
  3. Just seen it and it's full of rust and the stock been strip down
  4. Sounds like I'll be buying it then thanks boys
  5. Have not seen it but he keeps his stuff in good nick do I would say like new
  6. What do u think of them any good offered on today with gun scope bag in 22 for £120
  7. Got offered one today gun scope bag in 22 for 120
  8. http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/3170407/Gambler-sarge-Alexander-Brown-in-9000-Army-fiddle.html#ixzz21H4CQIA7
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