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About Rabbitbolter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. taken on board mick, was going to do a half wire roof, so she can have boeth shade and sun when she wants. one other question this area has a concrete floor what would you advise as the best covering for the floor. all the best browner. Sand or pea gravel
  2. 2 things Wales are good at rugby and shagging sheep
  3. Looking for a weihrauch 95kin 177 in or around Lincolnshire
  4. These would make perfect Mother's Day gifts If I give that too my mum she would use it on me
  5. Get him down some more mate 1. 8 then no joy drop him too 1.7
  6. May know someone ur way mate grimsby way
  7. Start knitting lol or buy a duck and take it out in rain they love it
  8. She was slip on a crow but the goose got up before she got too the crow and she hit it hard
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