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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Although they're covered by people with too much time on their hands.
  2. I forgot to add mentally ill to my list of conspiracy theorists
  3. Conspiracies, Devil makes work for idol hands. While I am a very open to most variations of probable outcomes, reasons and different opinions of events that have gone on over the years. The internet has fuelled the whole conspiracy world, from the plausible to the ridiculous. What I will say is most of the conspiracy fans I know are either Anarchists, Puff heads or people with too much time on their hands
  4. What happened to the Bulerder thread?
  5. interesting though.
  6. You never know where life takes you career wise. She has a natural skill, which is a good thing to have.
  7. Can hear a mouse fart at 100 yards, what more do you want?
  8. Galloway "Local drug dealers to be Mayor" local economy and all that.
  9. Cross any thing with a decent Bull dog and it should be good. Herder smerder
  10. I like dogs that bite, they go right up in my estimation.
  11. Cattle dog 10 months pics. I misunderstood the title
  12. Hybrid vigour maybe. Not sure to be fair. I think they get £5000 upwards, depending on siblings performance I think.
  13. He went to Spain, tried to start the same Parahawking business. Loads red tape, palm greasing stuff, of course it's Spain. Had to do and apprenticeship on Falconry in Spainish, then had to have a mentor for X amount of years, even though he had kept/hunted/flew birds for more than 30 years. After doing all that and because he had more than 8 birds in Spain, he had to apply for a Zoo licence, which took long blah blah blah. Then Brexit happened followed by Covid. Now he is back here doing web design and ting. There is loads more boring difficulties in amongst that, which included property,
  14. Feck that. A bloke over the park when I was about 12 put a largish Anaconda around my neck and the cnut started to tighten as I breathed in. I couldn't get my fingers underneath it because it was so tight, but I could get hold of it's neck right near it's head. Everyone was laughing when I started to panic a bit and then I threated to bite its head. They soon got it off. Feckin thing was too strong for me and it wasn't more than 10 foot.
  15. That's cause it's a Cattle dog, is it not? Does it wanna bite people?
  16. I was out on Saturday night, you would of all been very proud of me.
  17. Not you Charts the birds owner
  18. That's possibly the geezer selling the birds to the Arabs? It it a Peregrine x Gyr Falcon? I think they use Sakers too.
  19. the racing Falcons are a hybrid, think they're about 5k+ . There's a geezer in the Midlands, or somewhere north of Watford. He has a proper little farm going on, cant breed enough, think my friend is selling them through him. The Arabs can't get enough. They fly them point to point, if they win, it's bucks and bravado. If they lose, they've wasted a few grand, peanuts to them. There's a lot of wastage and that equals more birds for sale £££££ The pest control is interesting too Another friend Karl does nearly all the bird work for him. Karl doesn't hunt any more, photography is his thi
  20. My friend has an Avian bird control company over here. Does loads of townies, sometimes with an air rifle. He does lots of sensitive areas with the Harris Hawks. Does a fair bit of barrier control, nets, spikes, wires and ting. Does loads of other bird stuff too, but still needs to put a bit of rat poison from time to time to pay the bills. Saying that, he has done very well for himself. Has now started to breed a "few" racing Falcons for the Arabs £$£$£$£
  21. To be honest, its the only way a Harris Hawk would catch a Rook. It's called "Mugging" Once them Rooks get up on the wing, them Harris's don't stand a chance. Lamping with them is even less sporting, a bit like sitting ducks. You catch Woodies and Pheasants with them. Them little American Kestrels weigh just a few ounces. My friend had one in Spain and it used to catch grass hoppers.
  22. They still chuck bird out of motors
  23. Now, if we could ban human reproduction........
  24. There's retards in all walks of life.
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