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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Sorry couldn't help it. I have no intention of being racist, just thought I'd chuck some fuel on the fire
  2. That'll be fair game lamping Hares, be lucky if it got a turn, hope you got close enough Nice bitch big bitch that. Does it have much wind and how is it's feet been?
  3. Teach it to lay still with a live mouse super glued to its head and hay presto!
  4. Seems like a waste.
  5. As I said, some dogs love it and it can act like a stimulator.
  6. is there such a thing. Thought salt was an integral part of the making/curing process?
  7. They's a bit twangy. Nice thing though.
  8. Depends who is using them and of course how powerful they are.
  9. Maybe the collar will agitate him into killing mode some dogs love it.
  10. But it's not your dog, is it? Or am I not reading this right.
  11. Shock collars yes, electric training collars however......
  12. its ok if you've only got 1, 2 or 3. When you get a small pack, things can escalate quickly. Also how do you give commands a 200m on a windy day? Any way who said shock? It's an electric training collar that you can use for commands at distance. What sort of training have you done?
  13. if it's Hydrogen, it'll be somewhere on the intake. Air intake as far as I know.
  14. I hope so, lots of them.
  15. his brother sounds the same, weird innit.
  16. He says a lot of true stuff and that is what makes him dangerous. He appeals to too many people, especially impressionable young men.
  17. Depends how fecked the old dogs are. I often look at other peoples old dogs and think "do the right thing, that dog is fecked"
  18. There is a geezer near me fitting hydrogen cells, apparently they work better on diesels. They reduce you emissions so much so you can re apply for you cars emission grading and this will affect your road tax and things like ULEZ etc. Do you know if this is true? I have yet to phone the bloke. About 10+ years ago, I had a mad Yank from deep south arrived as a customer, you could tell he was mad by the patchy shaving he had done, you know the type. He had made a hydrogen cell and was offering to fit it on my Misses Passat. I understood the method/science behind it, but was reluctant
  19. Yeah, but you end up with a retirement home. I have a 13, 11 and a almost 10 year old here, amongst others. The 10 and 11 year old can still hunt fairly well. The 11 year old Mali is deaf ish and I refuse to walk it. That has become my Misses job and she sometimes takes the 13 year old Springer/Lakeland. The 13 year old would love to work but the lack of teeth and its hypermobile rear end says no. She will still get involved on local walks, loves a rodent and will swallow them if is she gets a chance. One of the greediest dogs I've had, its bitten the hand that feeds it may times
  20. Of course they do, why wouldn't they? They believe in all sorts of other things they don't really know about.
  21. well done for trying to place all your pups. I hope they turn out decent.
  22. Didn't think many people kept bird in those little cages any more. Is that one of those American Kestrels?
  23. Oh yeah, I've not been jabbed, only in the face a few times
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