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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. What was rudd like because I have thousands. I couldn't find a recipie so I assumed they were crap. But my ferrets love them.
  2. theres some bullxwhip pups in the countrymans this week Has anyone got some details from the cuntrymans weeklycheers Lee
  3. Someone out there must have a Bull/Whippet or a small racey Bull cross bitch for sale. Very good working home waiting.
  4. Take your dog to the vets it may have a liver problem, it is defo lacking red blood cells (anemia), maybe iron deficient.
  5. Size of parent please there my mates dogs urm the dads 26tts the mums 25 i think somewere around that mark ill find out after but there both very quick dogs As I thought, they are bit big for my use, thanks for the reply.
  6. They would freeze to death,need stitching back together,and would most likely snap all there legs.This is not a wind up up mate,these are toy dogs,and absolutely no use for any kind of quarry. I think Little Lurcher works hers on rabbit? I never say never mate,and like to keep an open mind,but i don't believe a pure Italian greyhound could tackle a mouse let alone rabbit.I'd love to be proved wrong so get them vids up I dont know a thing about them bud, just remember reading it on an eariler thread. Am sure she works them to rabbits. Maybee I picked her up wrong?
  7. I am trying to locate the breeder of these dogs in Birmingham, a pest controller. The bitch is bred, Bull/Greyhound dog to a Bull/Whippet bitch. I would like to know what the parents are doing as I am after buying a nice looking bitch pup 6 months old but with not a lot of info. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Lee.
  8. I've eaten the whole range of garden birds, pre ban! I've eaten all the common water fowl, fox, garden snails, chicken foot, pigs trotters, pigs heads, elvers, tripe, lots of offel, tree rats, brussel sprouts, fish eyes and cheeks, jellyed eels, any thing cold or out of a tin, reed hearts, tortoise, turtles, turtles eggs again pre ban, various fresh water fish and rabbit featous. There is probably more foreign stuff but don't really know the names.
  9. Very smart looking dogs, are they all yours?
  10. oozes power, feck me that dog could do with a pork pie!
  11. Animals, People, creatures dieing all over the world please don't get too upset by all this, as long as your conscience clear and just remember if you take on an ex hound it may kill you neighbours cat shamon
  12. Think kicking them out this time of year is a bit rough sould have done it in the summer and allowed them time to climatise to the freezing cold bed you have given them (only joking) but yes do it before the sprogs come and try to make it as warm as possible as they aren't used to it, maybe a light or frost stat on a themostat will work, untill next year when they will be aclimatised. Would just like to add a dogs coat is more substantual when it lives out side. all the best Lee
  13. I occasionally fast my dogs more in the summer months, didn't realise it was called the BARF diet though and sometimes it is convenient when I forget to get food out the freezer. But again dogs makeup allows them to be able to go without food for days and anyway it might make them think abit more about catching their grub.
  14. I bred my bitch in her last season and I left too late to mate her as I needed more homes for her rather large litter (she had 14 last time) although they tied three times she did not fall pregnant. So this season I let nature do it's ting and they successfully mated lots but she still didn't fall pregnant. Can any one explain why? Lee
  15. Yep, skin and gut birds, rabbits just gut. My dog even ate one of my sheeps heads that my Misses ran over last week.
  16. Have a look at Sparsholt College; not sure if its in Kent or Hampshire but its down that way. Hampshire, five mins out of Winchester. sharmon
  17. Hello Blue I would agree not to defrost and refreeze but defrost a little untill you can seperate the outside bits and whilst still part frozen, rebag and back in the freezer thus not completely defrosting and refreezing. I have done this many times when I have been given large bags of meat.
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