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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. maybe they could put some extra tax on dog food or leads and collars........... No seriously I was just thinking of a way to stop dick heads getting dangerous dogs mainly, but yes it seems quite a tall order for a government that cant even look after 25,000,000 peoples personal details what a bunch of muppets and lend christ knows how many billions of pounds of tax payers money to someone who is obviously no good with money
  2. Yes licence avoidance will always happen but it also makes things difficult for the uneducated dog owners and maybe it would minimise dog attacks and at least give the authorities some power to do something about it. Do you remember licences at I think seven and six or something like that (f--k and I am only 39) wernt they 37 & half pence or some such amount i only just remember shillings & ten bobs & i am older that you , it seems the sort of people who neglect through ignorence are usually adults & have multi species households , you know what i mean cats mainly
  3. Yes licence avoidance will always happen but it also makes things difficult for the uneducated dog owners and maybe it would minimise dog attacks and at least give the authorities some power to do something about it. Do you remember licences at I think seven and six or something like that (f--k and I am only 39)
  4. I watched a program about halal meat, well it was about a muslim boot camp type of thing and the whole idea about halal is that the animal should have the best most peaceful rearing preferably organic and when it come to slaughter it sould die without fear, something that no animal that goes to any abattoir will have the pleasure of doing abattoirs are awfull places animals scwealling bleeting and mooing in fear. The idea of halal is good but its never going to happen, abattoirs are to busy.
  5. think they would be alright drag your quarry home
  6. Does anyone think that there is a need for dog licence's it may minimise bad dog owners, especially where large or dangerous dogs are involved. They could be graded in such a way where as different types of dog could classed for the level of difficulty in handling or training, starting at maybe toy breeds through to large gaurdian breeds. Maybe some sort of test could be sat to prove your commitment and knowledge about the dog you wish to own. It may relax the laws against dangerous dogs and stop many careless idiots owning dangerous dogs, or will it just cause a load of unecessary red tape al
  7. Where abouts in kent are you because I get my tripe and chicken mince etc from a pet shop in Rush green near Romford very cheap 36lb for about £8 when brought in bulk (4 or more trays) just over the bridge pm me your mobile or contact and i'll give you the phone number regards Lee
  8. Where abouts in kent are you because I get my tripe and chicken mince etc from a pet shop in Rush green near Romford very cheap 36lb for about £8 when brought in bulk (4 or more trays)
  9. did you know diarrhoea is heredidtory ............it runs in your jeans.
  10. "Far less messy" come on this is a hunting forum and what has traveling to shoot got to do with giving your dog having a good meat diet please.
  11. never had any problems with fur, skin or bone fed all sorts of dogs for over twenty years with them, my presa can even swallow whole chicken legs (party trick)
  12. you mean like this one get that dog of the f##king chair!
  13. Yes I have seen 1stx beddi/grey today that looked alot more substantual, I do have two presa/bull crosses that would lend a hand, but I know what you meen just thought my nuttle patterdale used to finish the job so a large beddi/whippet should hold them well till help arrived. But i am well open minded about this new dog.
  14. I've had one that weighed just over a pound by half an once but I dont think it was quite as long as 14ins feck
  15. did you see that double muscule whippet in one of the news papers, I think I might have seen it on a link sun maybe any way it had a genetic defect which gave it two layers of muscule what a scary looking dog looked like it was a pumped up monster from a horrer movie. My friends boy had a very large whippet dog which was almost a charley slayer and needed a little help sometimes on larger ones Danny Britton any one know where he is now.
  16. Nice one just the sort of info I want going to see some beddi crosses this morning, a beddi/greyhound, a beddi/whippet and a 3/4beddi whippet. But I must say I am a fussy fecker and I think you should be if you are keeping a dog for life shamon.
  17. do they mind getting bitten and how big is a big bedy/whippet just case they come across something thats eating my chickens
  18. Can any body give some information about this cross, size, strength, capabilities etc. Thinking about about getting one and would like lots of info please. cheers yc.
  19. could any one give me some information about the size and strength's of bedlington whippets, I am thinking of getting one and would like to know their capabilities. Cheers yc
  20. hold on i'll get the bull/greyhound to pull it out.
  21. Hello mate just to let you know the pups made a no show, I had my name down for one pick of litter bitch. A bit gutted but theirs lots of good dogs about (also a load of shite ones ) do you know of any small fast game running dogs with a bit of coat (bitch pup) to make about 21-22"ish. Oh i'm sure Hunterside didn't mind me telling you it's not a buba or anyting.
  22. hello mate I was interested in your pups I think I have seen your bitch? is it possible to see pics of the dog (wheaten) and if you get a few minutes give me pm All the best Lee.
  23. skinned rabbits, frozen rabbits, minced rabbits ? Skin ruffage, frozen? when do you get fresh food and freeze it and have you no worming tablets and minced? mincer have your dogs got no teeth did you not know chewing is good for digestion ,maybe you sould start feeding your dog with a spoon.
  24. I am aware most bullxlurchers are staffordshire bull crosses. If there are people with pitbull crosses then you and yours dogs are at risk so think before you type. MOLL. i thought it was any bull breed cross pit bull terrier is classed as prohibited breed , any way how about sorting out the dog licence thing im sure they could catagorise all breeds by maybe a size grading sistem and knowledge testing for humans ,maybe it would get rid of all the unknowledgable idiots that possibly own a dangerous dog
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